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Subject: Data oriented coordination use case

Here is an interesting coordination use case that should challenge our use of eventing.  I describe from the perspective of a current implementation.  I would like to discuss how/why this general use case can be implemented using events.  I would also like to discuss how this specific implementation style can be extended to provide its function in a world using WSRP and pre-existing portlets coded to this model.  [I.e. the first question merely asks us to articulate equivalent function using our coordination mechanism; the second question challenges us to adjust our description so it can run/work side by side with a data/parameter oriented coordination mechanism unbeknowst to the end user].  

The consumer is a commercial Portal product.  It supports a concept called Page Parameters.  Page parameters are values defined [by a page developer] at the portal page level and wired to inputs of portlets on a page.  Portlet inputs are declared as part of the portlets meta data. Once defined/wired, these parameters can either be passed directly from the client on the URL to the page or if missing in the URL/request defaulted to a preset [page] value.  As the page processes the portlets in the page, the values from the page parameters [whether they came on the URL or its the default] are transferred to the portlet.  For efficiency reasons these values are transferred as additional state vs. an action parameter.  I.e. a portlets public parameters don't cause computational side-effects, rather they define part of the portlets render state.  In a sense they are public navigational state -- i.e. the consumer  can see and set values for the portion of the navigational state that is public.

The above described function is powerful/useful for pages where some/all of the portlets share a common type of input value.  For example you can conceive or a variety of stock analysis portlets on a stock analysis page.  Each of these portlets is independent of each other [many coming from different producers].  What they have in common is each focuses on presenting its type of analysis for a single stock.  Each portlet indicates it has a a public parameter representing the stock symbol to be analysed [no commonly is needed in the naming of these parameters].  The page is developed with a page parameter representing the stock symbol and defaulted to the company building the portal stock symbol.  This page parameter is wired in turn to each of the portlets public parameter [using a UI invoked from the portal page].  Once this is completed, links can now be made from other pages, portlets, or even externally using something like bookmarks  to this analysis page.  Each link represents a different stock by encoding the stock symbol [page parameter] in the request parameters.

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