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Subject: Re: [wsrp-coord] Groups - WSRP Coordination SC teleconference added

1) I would like to see a new basic goal that states Coordination is a 
mechanism to allow the consumer or end-user to affect the initial state 
of a portlet.

2) I would like the data oriented use case I described in e-mail 2 weeks 
ago to be referenced as an additional use case.  [Let me know if you 
need it in HTML/document form].

3) Because of (1) I [obviously] don't like describing the mechansim as a 
3 step protocol -- I.e. the consumer should/must be able to call handle 
event directly as the starting off point.  It might be better if we used 
terms like "commonly" to describe what you have described and then the 
follow up with the direct/2 step approach.  Note: this once we go down 
the road of using events for consumer/end-user driven state 
intialization we will have to deal with the problem that we no longer 
have a single initial callee.  I.e. the consumer/end-user  can choose to 
set the initial state of many portlets on a page.  In this environment 
we will have to discuss/worry about whether we care about order for the 
cases when such events cause each portlets to return events.  [A simple 
model would be to say that the consumer can't process any follow-on 
events until all initial events have been processed.  And that once the 
consumer starts processing follow-on events it can do so in any order.

By the way, I am trying to figure out how we will use events to handle 
my use case.  Is this in the vicinity of making sense? In one scenario 
we could look at defining a well known event WSRP_InitializeStateEvent. 
 The existence of such an event would indicate a "public parameter" that 
the consumer/end_user could initialize.  This event would have a well 
known type: StateDescription which would look very much like our other 
Descriptions -- name, type, description, extension.  The portlet would 
publish N of these events each with a different StateDescription for 
each piece of state it wants the consumer/end-user to be able to control.


richt2@us.ibm.com wrote:

>WSRP Coordination SC teleconference has been added by Rich Thompson (richt2@us.ibm.com).
>Date:  Wednesday, 25 February 2004
>Time:  12:00pm - 01:00pm Eastern Time
>Event Description:
>Callin details:
>USA Toll Free Number: 1-866-769-7222
>USA Toll Number: +1-203-566-0687
>PASSCODE: 377048
>Discuss F2F version of Semantic discussion document (attached to event) with a focus on ordering the questions.
>View event details:
>PLEASE NOTE:  If the above link does not work for you, your email
>application may be breaking the link into two pieces.  You may be able to
>copy and paste the entire link address into the address field of your web
>Referenced Items
>Date            Name                             Type
>----            ----                             ----
>24 Feb 2004     Discussed Eventing Semantic...   Reference Document
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