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wsrp-interfaces message

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Subject: [wsrp-interfaces] RE: [wsrp-wsia] Re: [wsia][wsrp][wsrp-wsia jointinterfaces]: Analternative


Per your description below, do you think that for v1.0 of the spec we
can assume that this "thread ID" is stored as part of the persistent
entity storage on the Producer end (possibly opaque to the Consumer), a
configuration which you alluded to in a pervious discussion?


A thread within the consumer /producer is the session scope.  This
conversation allows a consumer to group producer calls (across entities)
into distinct conversations.  Generally this is on a per user basis.
This allows portlets to share data within a distinct subconversation).
This scope comes into existence the first time a consumer talks to a
producer on behalf of user (or whatever the consumer is choosing to use
to partition the conversation).  It goes out of scope when the consumer
no longer represents the user. 

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