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wsrp-interfaces message

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Subject: [wsrp-interfaces] Re: [wsrp-wsia] Re: [wsia][wsrp][wsrp-wsia jointinterfaces]:Analternative

   As a conversational ID a "thread ID" is inherently transient -- hence it
would be inappropriate to store persistently as we would make no requirement
that this ID stay constant across subsequent conversations.

Eilon Reshef wrote:

> Mike,
> Per your description below, do you think that for v1.0 of the spec we
> can assume that this "thread ID" is stored as part of the persistent
> entity storage on the Producer end (possibly opaque to the Consumer), a
> configuration which you alluded to in a pervious discussion?
> Eilon
> A thread within the consumer /producer is the session scope.  This
> conversation allows a consumer to group producer calls (across entities)
> into distinct conversations.  Generally this is on a per user basis.
> This allows portlets to share data within a distinct subconversation).
> This scope comes into existence the first time a consumer talks to a
> producer on behalf of user (or whatever the consumer is choosing to use
> to partition the conversation).  It goes out of scope when the consumer
> no longer represents the user.
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