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wsrp-interfaces message

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Subject: Re: [wsrp-interfaces] [wsrp][interfaces]

My understanding from the discussion is that having the Producer return the
session reference to the Consumer is primarily a performance concern that
allows the Producer to lookup the correct state. I'm also sure that there
will be Producers who are unable to find the correct session unless the
Consumer returns the reference. As a result, the Consumer should retain the
session reference until either the Producer indicates the session is no
longer valid or it goes out of scope (eg. the user logs off).

                      Michael Freedman                                                                               
                      <Michael.Freedman@        To:       interfaces <wsrp-interfaces@lists.oasis-open.org>          
                      oracle.com>               cc:                                                                  
                                                Subject:  [wsrp-interfaces] [wsrp][interfaces]                       
                      06/27/2002 01:13                                                                               

Welcome home!.  One follow up question from our decision that the
consumer maintains the producer generated session instance reference --
as the consumer can't determine when this reference is no longer valid
(other then by calling the producer itself), am I correct that we allow
the consumer to arbitrarily toss this session reference whenever it
wants to -- most likely via a LRU/timeout mechanism?  Would it also be
valid as it is in HTTP for a consumer to never retain such a reference
-- i.e. a producer can't count on a session being joined until it
receives the reference back from the consumer?

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