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wsrp-interfaces message

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Subject: [wsrp-interfaces] [wsrp][interaces] Summary 6.12 conference call

Our agenda was:
a) Protocol Extensibility:
   We decided that a proposal should be put together for discussion that
defines how we should factor the protocol into discrete interfaces.
Three potential factoring were discussed; entity/non-entity,
stateless/session based, wsia/wsrp.  A small team will look at these and
other potential factorings and make a proposal.
   In addition we discussed whether/how we can define an extensible API
that won't require an interface update.  Two techniques were discussed,
attribute/value lists and extra parameters.  It was felt that A/V lists
are more flexible and generally better then the extra parameter model.
However, further discussion is needed to define whether we should
have/define such flexibility as it hides API, makes life more difficult
for the consumer, and it is hard to deprecate the use of av pairs that
come into existence.

In the end we identified a small team to work up a proposal.  People who
volunteered were Charlie, Carsten, Yossi, Rich, Ravi, and myself.  I
will put together a proposal of how to procede from here.

b) JSR 168 compatibility -- in relation to parameter passing to
getmarkup.  We are fine in supporting the semantics defined by the JSR.
Namely [excerpted from
Alejandro's message]:

     There are two types of URLs, action URLs and URLs with no action.
     action URL will invoke the action handler and then the markup
     An URL with no action will invoke only the markup handler.

     Both the action handler and the markup handler receive the client
     request parameters. So in both cases (action or non-action URLs)
     markup handler receives the client request parameters.

Rich/Carsten will include in a future draft.  As they specify the
details they will get back to us if issues/questions arise.

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