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wsrp-interfaces message

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Subject: [wsia][wsrp-interfaces] Refactoring the data objects

As requested in Tuesday's Joint interfaces call, I have reworked the draft
spec in an effort to factor the data items into the scopes presented at the
June F2F. Personally I think this obscures too much and that some of the
data items should move up to first class parameters in the interface.
Hopefully this version can provide a reasonable basis for a discussion of
which items should be promoted either for clarity or as part of supporting
any factoring of the operations.

Technical note: In order to make this readable but yet leave an indication
of what was modified, I accepted the changes and then appended a space on
the end of changed lines so that a change bar will appear on the left. So
much changed in Appendix A that it all should be considered modified.

(See attached file: WSIA - WSRP Interface Specification.doc)

Attachment: WSIA - WSRP Interface Specification.doc
Description: MS-Word document

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