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Subject: RE: [wsia][wsrp-interfaces] sessionGroupID
Just to clear up: what I meant was that we should decrease the strength from SHOULD to MAY, not increase it to MUST. I may have not stated this clearly... Yossi. -----Original Message----- From: Gil Tayar [mailto:Gil.Tayar@webcollage.com] Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 7:47 AM To: wsia@lists.oasis-open.org; wsrp-interfaces@lists.oasis-open.org Subject: RE: [wsia][wsrp-interfaces] sessionGroupID I would even say "CAN", as whether the Producer does this or not is of no concern to the Producer. But I do agree with Yossi that this is information that can be supplied in the Metadata (i.e. whether sessionGroupId functionality is supported by the Producer). -----Original Message----- From: Rich Thompson [mailto:richt2@us.ibm.com] Sent: Mon, July 15, 2002 21:16 To: wsia@lists.oasis-open.org; wsrp-interfaces@lists.oasis-open.org Subject: [wsia][wsrp-interfaces] sessionGroupID The question here is the difference between preferred (MAY) and strongly encouraged behaviour (SHOULD). Since there is semantics involved in specifying this data item, I prefer using SHOULD over MAY (but don't think it is worthy of a MUST!). "Tamari, Yossi" <yossi.tamari@sap To: wsia@lists.oasis-open.org, .com> wsrp-interfaces@lists.oasis-open.org cc: 07/15/2002 12:47 Subject: RE: [wsia][wsrp-interfaces] Refactoring the data objects PM See my comments marked with [YT]. (Most of them are in appendix A, since it seems appendix a is the real definition of the spec, which I think is wrong, and is a result of what Rich mentioned below about the obscurity of the interface.) The endless debate about putting WSIA concepts in the WSRP standard is still there... Yossi. -----Original Message----- From: Rich Thompson [mailto:richt2@us.ibm.com] Sent: Friday, July 12, 2002 9:09 PM To: wsia@lists.oasis-open.org; wsrp-interfaces@lists.oasis-open.org Subject: [wsia][wsrp-interfaces] Refactoring the data objects As requested in Tuesday's Joint interfaces call, I have reworked the draft spec in an effort to factor the data items into the scopes presented at the June F2F. Personally I think this obscures too much and that some of the data items should move up to first class parameters in the interface. Hopefully this version can provide a reasonable basis for a discussion of which items should be promoted either for clarity or as part of supporting any factoring of the operations. Technical note: In order to make this readable but yet leave an indication of what was modified, I accepted the changes and then appended a space on the end of changed lines so that a change bar will appear on the left. So much changed in Appendix A that it all should be considered modified. (See attached file: WSIA - WSRP Interface Specification.doc) #### WSIA - WSRP Interface Specification1.doc has been removed from this note on July 15 2002 by Rich Thompson ---------------------------------------------------------------- To subscribe or unsubscribe from this elist use the subscription manager: <http://lists.oasis-open.org/ob/adm.pl> ---------------------------------------------------------------- To subscribe or unsubscribe from this elist use the subscription manager: <http://lists.oasis-open.org/ob/adm.pl>
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