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wsrp-interfaces message

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Subject: [wsrp-interfaces] [wsrp][interfaces] Agenda 7/18 concall

On Thursday we will do the following:
    a) update on refactoring
    b) identify areas (new) areas for discussion
    c) continue current discussion concerning refining the current draft

(b) identify new areas for discussion is meant to help me
organize/identify what
(additional) topics we should focus on for the next few weeks.  There
are many
details we haven't yet discussed or are glossed over in the current
draft that need
our attention (for example, working in load balanced app servers,
caching, etc).
Therefore this will be a brainstorming session that it would help if you
did some
thinking beforehand.

Same details as always: 8am PST 877.302.8255/303.928.2609 id: 8814427.


Attachment: Michael.Freedman.vcf
Description: Card for Michael Freedman

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