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wsrp-interfaces message

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Subject: [wsia][wsrp-interfaces] Updated draft spec (v0.22)

I have accepted the changes in the 0.21 version of the spec and tried to
reflect the discussion of this week into this version. There also have been
many small changes due to clarifying questions asked in many forums. The
single largest of these relates to decisions made at the F2F regarding the
creation of new entities; namely:

      Since there is no longer a mechanism to create an entity from
something that could be reasonably mapped to a class in OO systems AND the
initial state of the new entity is taken from the passed reference to an
existing entity, the semantics of creating a new entity is a lot closer
(using Java language) to object.clone() than it is to class.newInstance().
Accordingly I have changed the name of this operation to cloneEntity(). If
we decided this name change doesn't more accurately described the
operation's semantics, it will be easy to change it back.

(See attached file: WSIA - WSRP Interface Specification.doc)

Attachment: WSIA - WSRP Interface Specification.doc
Description: MS-Word document

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