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Subject: Re: [wsia] RE: [wsrp-interfaces] [wsrp][interfaces]Statemanagement/paramet ers
Alan, A problem in allowing performAction to arbitrarily return markup is that currently performAction is being reserved as the likely location for sending events/messages to other portlets. In such a thing comes to pass its likely we will want semantics where all the eventing/messaging completes before any rendering is done. Note: this doesn't prevent us from considering optimizing our protocol and allowing performAction to return markup in well defined situations -- I think this may have been the intent of the original proposal. Personally, I am not convinced we should do this (yet). On your second question, yes, the way I have described things we wouldn't need a duration on markupParams as their lifetime is well defined. -Mike- Alan Kropp wrote: > See <AK></AK> below.. > > -----Original Message----- > From: Michael Freedman [mailto:Michael.Freedman@oracle.com] > Sent: Friday, July 19, 2002 8:42 AM > To: interfaces; wsrp-wsia > Subject: [wsrp-interfaces] [wsrp][interfaces] State > management/parameters > > Folks, > At the F2F I took on the task to clarify the proposed support for > "stateless" entities. In the meantime a discussion has ensued regarding > whether sessionId can be collapsed into the markupParams. This message > provides an overall analysis of the general question of state management > and its relationship to the protocol. Based on this a particular > usage/semantic pattern is proposed. Its intent is to clarify both of > the above issues. Please let me know what you think. > > Through various discussions/analysis 4 types of state can be defined. > The first three are well understood web application states/styles. The > last is a new one that comes into existence because of the way our > protocol works: > 1) Navigational (URL) state -- this is state represented as parameters > in the query strings of links that establish the "navigational context" > of a page. I.e. this is the state that allows a link to encode the > state of a page so it may be bookmarked, refreshed, navigated to via > next/back. An example of this is the amazon.com link that references > the page that describes a specific book. The parameters for this > reference are part of the link making it bookmarkable/navigatable etc. > 2) Session state -- this is user application state that doesn't vary as > you navigate. An example is your shopping cart in amazon.com. The > items in your shopping cart don't change as you use the next/prev > buttons or redisplay. Unlike navigational (URL) state, session state is > not represented/maintained by the client, rather it is maintained by the > server. The client merely has a reference to this state. This > reference is typically in a cookie but can also be a URL parameter > itself. > 3) Action (transient) state -- this is state passed on requests that is > meant to be processed (submitted) and then tossed -- though the > processing usual results in changes to either session or navigational > state. The example for this is form submission. > 4) Request (transient) state -- this is intermediate state meant to be > created during action processing and used in the next render call of the > portlet. I.e. in our protocol a single user action results in two calls > to the portlet performAction and getMarkup. These two calls occur > across 2 (connectionless) SOAP calls. How does a portlet create > transient state in an action that is can access in the following render > while not needing to clean it up because it is recollected after the > "request" completes? I.e. in the servlet model during a single request > logic can attach transient request state for later logic via request > Attributes. How does this work between an action/render pair in our > protocol? Answer: invent/support request state. > > <AK> > I wonder if we really need to express this in the protocol. I think there > has > been some discussion around performInteraction returning markup itself. > Essentially, > the portal invokes performInteraction, and based on the portlet > implementation this > MAY return markup. The portlet "knows" whether it should render > in response to a change in its transient state, so > leave it up to the portlet to optionally generate markup, and save the > additional roundtrip. > > I'm not attempting to re-open the prior discussion around whether we need a > separate > action interface. I do like the flexibility (for the portlet developer) to > expose > actions in the service interface...but I also want network efficiency, so > allow the developer to specify actions > that may (not) render markup, and the portal need only worry about making a > single > invocation that MAY return markup. > </AK> > > How should our protocol present the above styles/usages? > 1) Navigational (URL) state is represented by query string parameters > added to links generated by the portlet in its response to getMarkup (or > redirects from performAction). Such parameters are presented by the > Portal on subsequent use to both a portlet's performAction [if an action > url] and getMarkup calls as request parameters (in the RequestContext). > They are always resubmitted on redisplay. > 2) Action state is represented distinctly from navigational state by URL > parameters added to action links generated by the portlet in its > response to getMarkup. I.e. action parameters and navigational > parameters coexist in a link and can be distinguished by the portal. > Action parameters are only presented by the Portal on subsequent use to > a portlet's performAction. They are not presented to getMarkup. They > are passed to performAction as interactionParams. > 3) Session state is maintained by the portlet as needed and reacquired > on request by reference (i.e. a sessionID is passed to all portlet APIs > including performAction and getMarkup so it reattach to its in memory > state) [See below for note on why I suggest we don't support having the > Portal maintain this state on behalf of the portlet and resupply on each > request]. > 4) Request state is an opaque value returned by a performAction call to > the Portal and based to [only] the next getMarkup of that entity. This > state is represented by the markupParams returned by performAction and > passed to the next getMarkup. getMarkup wouldn't return markupParams -- > its navigational parameters/state would be encoded in its response > links. > > Note: In the F2F we discussed supporting "stateless" portlets. At the > time we attempted to model not only "stateless" portlets as those that > limit themselves to be represented merely by navigational state (URL > parameters) but also session state. I.e. one form of markupParams was > to allow a portlet to package its session state and return it to the > Portal for later submission rather then keep this information in memory > and merely return a reference (sessionID). I recommend we do not add > this functionality to version 1 of the specification [though we could > discuss dropping altogether from further consideration]. There are > three reasons for this recommendation: > a) this "function" is not currently readily modelled in the web > world. Returning session state to the client prevents effective > bookmarking/navigation. > b) adding this function complicates the API -- as sessionID covers > the session state case why worry now about supporting a new/extra model? > > c) having the portal maintain the session state vs a session > reference has negative performance/scalability implications. When a > portal is running in a load balanced environment state managed on behalf > of the portlet/entity must be maintained in a manner so all nodes see a > common/consistent view of this state. In such a world writes (the time > when state returned by the portlet has changed and needs to be rewritten > to the shared state manager) are generally expensive. Session > references rarely change (are good). Session state changes frequently > (often on every request) and is therefore bad. > > <AK> > So does this moot the discussion about returning a "duration" with the > markupParams? If session state is managed by the Producer, there's nothing > the Consumer is holding on to that a duration "hint" from the Producer would > apply to. Certainly cleaner in my view. > </AK> > > -Mike- > > ---------------------------------------------------------------- > To subscribe or unsubscribe from this elist use the subscription > manager: <http://lists.oasis-open.org/ob/adm.pl> > > ---------------------------------------------------------------- > To subscribe or unsubscribe from this elist use the subscription > manager: <http://lists.oasis-open.org/ob/adm.pl>
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