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Subject: [wsrp-interfaces] [wsrp][interfaces] Should we get rid of non-blockingactions?
Based on feedback from a number of you as well as internal discussions I have had I would like to propose the following refinements to the state management model I posted last Friday. Basically I propose we drop the notion of non-blocking actions and define that an action always results in a client redirect albeit in the common case this will be an implicit redirect. What am I talking about: There are a few problems/complexities with what I suggested last Friday. a) We needed to encode action urls with both action state and navigational state in a manner that allowed the portal to distinguish between the two. b) markupParms defined as lasting only a single render seemed to break refreshability/bookmarkability of navigational state. To deal with these problems I suggest we model (more directly) the web model. In a web application, the "proper" way to implement action/transitory state is to have the action handler do a client redirect back to itself passing the necessary navigational state in the redirect URL. In this way the action URL is never available for bookmarking/refreshing -- only the redirect URL. I suggest we model this behavior. We have already said that an action handler can do an explicit redirect. This satisfies some of the cases. However, what the typical action handler wants to do is redirect back to the page the portlet is on. Both because this is the common case and the Portal already knows the page URL and because the Portlet as of yet has know knowledge of the page URL, I suggest that the default behavior of an action handler is defined as upon return the consumer must redirect to the URL/page the portlet is on. So that new navigational state can be conveyed by the action handler for this redirect we have the performAction return "markupParams". I.e. markupParams become the navigational state for implicit redirects. If we go with this model then we must drop the notion of non-blocking actions as it only makes sense for a blocking action to do a redirect. The good thing about dropping non-blocking actions is it makes the protocol simpler to understand. Its a little confusing to have an action handler that runs under different restrictions/behaves differently based on whether or not its blocking or not. Also its more confusing to the developer to understand when they can use one vs. the other. So, putting this altogether the writeup I sent on Friday would be written to reflect the following: Typically, Navigational state and Action state are represented as query string parameters in the links a portlet writes in its responses to getMarkup. We support two types of links, navigational links and action links. A navigational link only contains navigational state. When a user clicks on a navigational link only the portlets getMarkUp is called. Navigational links are bookmarkable/refreshable, etc. An action link contains both navigational state and transient (action) state. No distinction is made between these types of parameters on the URL. When a user clicks on an action link the portlet's performAction is called. All of the parameters on this link, whether representing navigational state or action state are passed to perform action. The result of a perform action is a client redirect either to another action URL or a navigational URL. A portlet can explicitly control this redirect location by setting the redirect URL return parameter. If no explicit URL is provided the consumer still performs a redirect; it redirects to its navigational URL containing the portlet (i.e. the page). In both the explicit and implicit redirect case the portlet is capable of controlling the redirected navigational state by returning its navigational state as a query string (i.e. in query string format) in the performActions responses markupParams. The consumer is responsible for ensuring these params are attached to the redirect URL and hence become part of the new navigational state to the subsequent getMarkup. All other things I said last Friday with regards to sessions and the fact that markUpParams are not returned by getMarkup remain. One potential change for simplicity (to the developer) is that markUpParams aren't passed to getMarkup either. Rather they aren't distinguished from any other types of client parameters being passed in the request and are therefore retrieved from the clientParameters data element in the RequestContext. -Mike-
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