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Subject: [wsrp-interfaces][wsia][wsia-wsrp joint interfaces] Agenda for Tuesday 30 July

Over the last week, these are the main open questions and consensus items as I seen them.  I'd like to propose we work through as much of this as we can, and then roll the remainder (as well as any new questions) into the agenda for Thursday's call.  Mike, what do you think?
1.  Generic vs. specific release mechanism?  Discussion favors generic.
2.  HTTP cookies in the protocol?  Emerging consensus against.  But discussion does favor enforcing request consistency across the protocol, so how does this work in a load-balanced environment?  I think it's an implementation detail, but an important one that should be demonstrated asap in our proof-of-concept.
3.  New name for markupParameters:  navigationState?
4.  We seem to be arriving at the following consensus:  Producer always manages session state, passing a handle to the session to the Consumer to be used in subsequent requests.  A Consumer MAY explicitly request the creation of a session, especially if it knows it's going to multiplex requests to this service on behalf of many clients.
5.  For request lifecycle, Mike's proposal is as follows:  performAction redirects to the same portlet page and passes changed state as markupParams in the response.  On subsequent call to getMarkup, Consumer must embed the markupParams as the new navigational parameters for the request, so the portlet renders the correct (in sync with the most recent performAction) markup.
As a side-effect, this would require that performAction is always a blocking call.
There hasn't been much discussion on this since, what do people think?
6.  How should we handle large SOAP attachments?  Compabitibility with .NET? 
7.  Factoring discussion.  This seems rather abstract, I think it needs to boil down to specifics in order to be useful to spec writers now.  Mike put up some proposals regarding the proper axes for factoring, as well as handling extensibility.  I tend to agree with his assessment.  Other proposals?
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