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wsrp-interfaces message

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Subject: RE: [wsrp-interfaces][wsia][wsia-wsrp joint interfaces] Agenda fo r Tuesday 30 July

For this week's call, let's focus on the session creation/cookie question.  Two main viewpoints have been expressed:
1.  The Consumer has a role to play in managing concurrent session creation, namely it explicitly signals the Producer that it wishes to start a session.
2.  The Producer should be able to manage session creation, to include proper handling of the concurrent session creation case, opaquely to the Consumer.  For a detailed write-up as to how this might be implemented, see Andre Kramer's email of 8/2.
There has also been some discussion about expressing the private session id (the JSessionID cookie if we're talking about HTTP) directly in the protocol, and there seems to be general agreement that this is necessary.
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