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Subject: RE: [wsia] [wsrp-interfaces] Draft spec v0.5

I am not extremely familiar with these kinds of standard documents, but it seems to me the introductory part we have is too long. Readers of this document are expected to know what a portal, a portlet, and a web service are, and how they may work together.
The intended audience for the spec are the people who are going to be implementing the standard - writing producers or consumers (containers). What they are looking for is the technical detail, not the screen captures. I think for them just the sheer size of the document is intimidating, and having
to find where the actual technical information resides is a nuisance.
I think the introduction to portals, web services, etc. should go in a separate document. (white paper?)
I am referring to sections 1.1-1.4 mostly, since I wasn't able to get much farther yet...


-----Original Message-----
From: Rich Thompson [mailto:richt2@us.ibm.com]
Sent: Tuesday, September 03, 2002 3:56 PM
To: wsia
Subject: RE: [wsia] [wsrp-interfaces] Draft spec v0.5

I agree, but noticed it had grown to this level just as I was sending it to
the mailing lists. I would suggest the WSDL, use cases and UDDI (ie. use of
standardized registries) discussion be moved into separate files. The WSDL
because this would then become a reference to the actual files that should
be referenced by Producers. The others because while they do help
understanding, they are not normative relative to the spec.

Any thoughts/comments?

                      Gil Tayar                                                                                          
                      <Gil.Tayar@webcol        To:       Rich Thompson/Watson/IBM@IBMUS                                  
                      lage.com>                cc:                                                                       
                                               Subject:  RE: [wsia] [wsrp-interfaces] Draft spec v0.5                    
                      09/01/2002 07:13                                                                                   


You _must_ split this document into three or more. Some of the edits I
to do resulted in corrupt files. This is a sure sign in Word that a
is getting too big.


-----Original Message-----
From: Rich Thompson [mailto:richt2@us.ibm.com]
Sent: Fri, August 30, 2002 20:19
To: wsia@lists.oasis-open.org; wsrp-interfaces@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: [wsia] [wsrp-interfaces] Draft spec v0.5

The doc file has now grown to 11MB ....

(See attached file: Draft Spec v0.5.ZIP)

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