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Subject: RE: [wsrp-interfaces] Interfaces Feature Proposal Template

I would rather have an email text-based description in the archive for each candidate feature first that later gets pulled into a common 2.0 proposal document, to be compiled by this SC (capturing the discussion threads). Some larger features (security) may need a fuller design document.
-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Freedman [mailto:Michael.Freedman@oracle.com]
Sent: 20 January 2004 23:27
To: interfaces
Subject: [wsrp-interfaces] Interfaces Feature Proposal Template

I have uploaded a template for proposing a new interface feature for consideration.  The document is here.  I propose we use this template [as it is it will be finally crafted after discussion] for all features currently planned/under discussion for 2.0.  Please review so we can discuss during tomorrows conference call.  Also for discussion tomorrow is progress we intend to make by the next F2F.  I propose we at a minimum have completed and subcommittee approved versions of these documents for all features [we intend to make progress on].  This will allow is to present and discuss these to the whole committee at one seating and get an overall approval for moving each of them forward.

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