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Subject: Re: [wsrp-interfaces] Groups - Portlet Transport.htm uploaded
Other/more specific use cases: Consumer Use case 1: Application is a corporate portal. The tool for constructing the portal is the same tool end-users use to interact/use the portal. For example the Portal is an html based application providing both design time function for page designers to build portal pages and the runtime environment for users to interact with these pages. The specific corporate portal is designed in a controlled, isolated environment. Once developed sufficiently, the development team stages the portal to a test environment. Functional and usability tests are run from this stage server. Once the portal has been tested it is published to the "production" server making it available to all users. Note: this is an interative, not a static, process. Though a snapshot has been staged and or pushed to the production server, development/refinement continues. Once a significant consistent point is reached the publishing cycle occurs again. In this environment, the developers are constructing portal pages with portlets implemented using WSRP. The portlets are added to the page and then configured with default customizations intended to express the base customization for all users of this page. As the developers publish the snapshot of the portal to the stage and ultimately the production environment, its expected that these base customizations are likewise "published" or otherwise transferred into these environments so that in the end the stage and/or production environment isn't merely a reflection of the structuer of the designed pages but also contains the level of customizations intended by the developer. I.e. you don't have to manually recustomize the stage/production environments to reflect the customizations made in the development system. Note: in this scenario its only the "base" customizations that are transferred. End-User level customizations are expected to remain with the portal on which they were set. For example, in the above portal the "home" page has a wsrp based stock [portfolio] portlet in it. In the development portal the developer configures this portlet with a preset portfolio of well known technology stocks [this "configure" of "default" semantics is a consumer/portal defined semantic that translates into a WSRP Edit mode on the initial cloned entity that was generated when the portlet was added to the page]. When this development portal is published to the stage portal the developer expects the stocks "default" customization to be "published" as well. I.e. an end user who has not customized the portlet for themselves in the published environment would see output from the stock portlet based on these original customizations. There is a similar expectation when the portal is published from stage to production. In the case, however, where the published site has existing end-user customizations; for example if some end-users on the production site have customized the base stock portlet with their own portfolio, it is expected that these end-user customizations remain in place and are unaffected by subsequent updates to the base configuration. I.e. when the developer decides at some time in the future to add a new technology stock to the default portfolio and republishes this portal from stage to production, customized end-user customizations [portfolios] aren't affected; only those users that still rely on the base are. Question: What does the developer/admin expect if the portal allows the base customization to be changed in each configuration? Do they expect that republishing overwrites these changes? Aren't republished? Or that the situation is determinable [and hence they might be asked what they want to do]? ConsumerUse case 2: Consumer is a "shrink wrap" expense reporting application. This application is capable of including/utilizing portlets. For example it includes a currency converter portlet on the page that allows you to enter your receipts. The developer builds the application in Java using a Java IDE. The developer unit tests the application by running the application in place within the IDE. Integration testing is done by building the application in the IDE, packaging it into a .ear file and deploying to an integration server. Once the application is sufficiently tested the .ear file is posted on the corporate e-store where customers can purchase it, download it, install, and run it on their own server/environment. The developer expects that most of its customers are U.S. currency based and hence customizes the converter to default to Euros to Dollars conversion. The developer expects that this customization will be carried along with the application as it is deployed/installed in the various environments discussed above. Furthermore the developer expects that redeployments/upgraded installations will be able to pick up changes to these base customizations without affecting existing end-user customizations much like in the scenario above. Producer use cases: In supporting the above use cases a producer may have the following capabilities/behavior: Use case 1: It doesn't support the consumer use case. I.e. because WSRP 1.0 doesn't support these use cases consumers already have to deal with cases where the producer can't participate to deliver the intended semantics [though they probably want to be able to detect this in getServiceDescription()]. That being said its an open question whether a WSRP 2.0 portlet must implement this capability. The benefit of it being mandatory is compliance and hence as portlets upgrade to newer WSRP versions over time the greater likely hood of meeting/supporting the consumers use case. Use case 2: The producer can support the consumers use cases even if they are required to expose the customization data in a human readable format. Use case 3: The producer can support the consumers use cases but only if they aren't required to expose the customization data in a human readable format. Use case 4: The producer can support the consumers use case but only if they can encrypt/secure any information they are required to transfer outside their control. . Use case 5: The producer can support the consumers use case if the mechanism doesn't require any actual customization data be transferred from the control of the producer. -Mike- Alan.Kropp@vignette.com wrote: >The document Portlet Transport.htm has been submitted by Alan Kropp (Alan.Kropp@vignette.com) to the WSRP Interfaces SC document repository. > >Document Description: >Initial problem description, Transportability of Portlets > >Download Document: >http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/wsrp-interfaces/download.php/5279/Portlet%20Transport.htm > >View Document Details: >http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/wsrp-interfaces/document.php?document_id=5279 > > >PLEASE NOTE: If the above links do not work for you, your email application >may be breaking the link into two pieces. You may be able to copy and paste >the entire link address into the address field of your web browser. > > > >
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