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Subject: New Conference Call details for Interfaces subcommittee

This week [and from now on] we will use the new Oracle conference call 
system vs the old one.  Please see details below for new numbers, 
meeting id, etc.

The improvement is a Asia and Europe number [I believe the numbers are 
in the U.K. and Japan], so you won't get hit with as big a long distance 
call.  If you have trouble with these numbers, dial the U.S. number 

On the downside you now have to enter a password along with the meeting 
ID.  We will use the same password for the time being.
The new meeting ID and password are:
*Meeting ID: 345337
Password 060606

*      -Mike-

WSRP Interfaces Subcommittee bi-weekly conference call
New dial-in instructions:

Call one of the MeetingPlace phone numbers:
 From the AMER [U.S.] region dial:

1-888-967-2253 [toll free]

 From the APAC [asia/pacific] region dial:

+61 2 8817 6100

 From the EMEA [europe/u.k.] region dial:

+44 118 924 9000

*Meeting ID: 345337
Password 060606*

Enter the Meeting ID (provided by meeting organizer) followed by the # key
Press 1 to confirm the Meeting ID
If the organizer has not started the meeting you will be:
a. Asked to speak your name followed by the # key
b. Placed in the waiting room on music hold until the organizer starts 
the meeting.

If the organizer has started the meeting you will be:
a. Asked to enter the Meeting Password provided to you by the organizer
b. Asked to speak your name followed by the # key

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