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Subject: Updated Feature Status/F2F planning document

Is attached.  It has been reformatted along the lines we discussed this 
morning as well as updated to reflect our discussions.  We will quickly 
walk through the items we discussed today to make sure I accurately 
reflected our work and then proceed with the items not yet discussed. 
 Those who own the ietms not yet discussed please prepare your responses 
to the open elements/questions.
Title: Interfaces F2F

WSRP 2.0 Status/F2F Plans

The following lists the current state of the active feature proposals.  For each it includes a proposal for moving forward both at the F2F and within the context of 2.0.  A rationale is presented for each proposal.

  1. Invalidation Caching
    Synopsis: This feature adds invalidation caching as an extended mechanism to our existing caching model.  

    Status: Use Cases described in a feature proposal.  Inactive since last F2F.  Owner indicates mid-term inability to activate.

    F2F Goal: None; merely update TC on above status and offer to transfer ownership.

    F2F Preparation by Owner: None.
    F2F Preparation by TC: None.

  2. Import/Export
    Synopsis: This feature adds ability for consumer to export and import portlets.

    Preliminary strawman proposal that addresses use cases described in a feature proposal.

    F2F Goal:  Present strawman and (a) validate approach (b) identify open issues (c) if time discuss and close issues else take them back for further discussion in subcommittee

    F2F Preparation by Owner:  Review first draft of strawman in subcommittee and (a) validate approach (b) identify open issues (c) if time discuss and close issues.  Based on this prepare a second draft that includes decisions and enumerates the current open issues.  Post this to the TC no later then July 26th.

    F2F Preparation by TC: Members should read/review the strawman before the F2F.  This strawman will be published to the TC no later then July 26th.

  3. Leasing Handles
    Synopsis: This feature allows various WSRP handles to be leased vs. needing explicit destruction.

    Status: Use Cases described in a feature proposal.  Generally inactive since last F2F.  Owner indicates a dependency on how we approach WS-Resource as it contains a strategy/solution that supports leased handles.

    F2F Goal:  Present short overview of WS-Resource handle leasing.  Walk away from F2F with a clear understanding of WSRPs roadmap vis-a-vis WS-Resource so can decide on a direction to take for this feature.

    F2F Preparation by Owner: Prepare materails (a slide) to present at F2F that reviews the concept of Leasing and provides overview of WS-Resource leasing.

    F2F Preparation by TC: None

  4. Collaborative Customization
    Synopsis: This feature allows consumers to [strongly] influence a portlet's look and feel [beyond simple styles].  

    Status: Use Cases described in a feature proposal.  Inactive since last F2F.  Owner indicates mid-term inability to activate.

    F2F Goal: None; merely update TC on above status and offer to transfer ownership.

    F2F Preparation by Owner: None.
    F2F Preparation by TC: None.

  5. Resources
    Synopsis: This feature adds a method to our protocol to get a web resource directly from the producer.

    Status: Preliminary strawman proposal that addresses use cases described in a feature proposal.

    F2F Goal:  Present strawman and (a) validate approach (b) identify open issues (c) if time discuss and close issues else take them back for further discussion in subcommittee

    F2F Preparation by Owner:  Refine/Repost first draft [e-mail] of strawman in subcommittee and (a) validate approach (b) identify open issues (c) if time discuss and close issues.  Based on this prepare a second draft that includes decisions and enumerates the current open issues.  Post this to the TC no later then July 26th.

    F2F Preparation by TC: Members should read/review the strawman before the F2F.  This strawman will be published to the TC no later then July 26th.

  6. Security
    Synopsis: This feature defines how secure portlets are supported.  It also defines how identities are propagated.

    Preliminary strawman proposal that addresses priority 1 use cases described in a feature proposal.

    F2F Goal:  
    Present strawman and (a) validate approach (b) identify open issues (c) if time discuss and close issues else take them back for further discussion in subcommittee

    F2F Preparation by Owner:  Provide first draft of strawman by July 20th to subcommittee so it can discuss before F2F in order to (a) validate approach (b) identify open issues (c) if time discuss and close issues.  Based on this prepare a second draft that includes decisions and enumerates the current open issues.  Post this to the TC no later then July 26th.

    F2F Preparation by TC:
    Members should read/review the strawman before the F2F.  This strawman will be published to the TC no later then July 26th.

  7. WS-Resource
    Synopsis: This feature proposal seeks to recast WSRP using concepts/as a WS-Resource.

    Status: Feature Proposal idenitfies the potential [benefits] of recasting WSRP using WS-Resource.

    F2F Goal: ???Decide whether WS-Resource impacts WSRP 2.0.???

    F2F Preparation by Owner:  ???

    F2F Preparation by TC:

  8. getPortletDescription
    Synopsis: This feature proposal seeks to add a capability on the service description port type that allows a consumer to get a description of only a subset [even just 1] of the supported portlets.

    Status: Use Cases described in a feature proposal.  

    F2F Goal: ????

    F2F Preparation by Owner: ???

    F2F Preparation by TC: ???

  9. XForms
    Synopsis: This feature proposal asks us to define standards/guidelines for using XForms in portlets

    Status: Use Cases described in a feature proposal.  Inactive since last F2F.  

    F2F Goal: ???

    F2F Preparation by Owner: ???
    F2F Preparation by TC: ???

  10. PropertyUsageField
    Synopsis: This feature enhances our ability to describe properties to distinguish between whether they are informational only [read-only] or read-write.

    Status: Use Cases described in a feature proposal.  Inactive since last F2F.  

    F2F Goal: ???

    F2F Preparation by Owner: ???
    F2F Preparation by TC: ???

  11. Versioning
    Synopsis: This feature proposes we add versioning meta data to enhance ability of consumer to detect producer versions

    Status: Use Cases described in a feature proposal.  Inactive since last F2F.  

    F2F Goal: ???

    F2F Preparation by Owner: ???
    F2F Preparation by TC: ???

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