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wsrp-interfaces message

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Subject: Reminder: concall Wednesday at 9:00-10:00 PDT and Thursday 8:00-10:00PDT

Reminder: we will have a concall Wednesday at 9:00-10:00 PDT and 
Thursday 8:00-10:00 PDT.

Tomorrow Richard will discuss the security presentation he has prepared. 
 Please review it before hand.  On Thursday we will start with Subbu and 
myself concerning Subbu's updated GetPortletDescription [already posted] 
and my updated Import/Export [will post before meeting].

For these meetings we will try and use the imeeting web conferencing 
technology I e-mailed about before I went on vacation.  If you have not 
already done so please follow the instructions in that e-nmail to ensure 
you have proper access.
Call details:

Call one of the MeetingPlace phone numbers:
 From the AMER [U.S.] region dial:

1-888-967-2253 [toll free]

 From the APAC [asia/pacific] region dial:

+61 2 8817 6100

 From the EMEA [europe/u.k.] region dial:

+44 118 924 9000

Meeting ID: 345337
Password 060606

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