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Subject: Security: mapping identity use cases to propogation techniques
- From: Michael Freedman <>
- To: interfaces <>
- Date: Tue, 17 Aug 2004 16:10:03 -0700
From the discussions we have been having I see 4 possible types/ways/levels
for the consumer to pass user [identity] information to the producer. Each
of these 4 types/levels affords the producer a different level of function.
My idea is to enumerate these 4 levels, describe what function a producer
can achieve with this level and then figure out whether this is useful
or not. The 4 levels/types are:
- Consumer passes a UserContext key directly in the WSRP protocol. As
this suggests, this information doesn't pass the user's identitiy, rather
a key/representation of this identity that is only useful for distinguishing
between other identity keys. Two types of producers would find this
level useful:
- Producers that use the key to map/establish an application [level]
user identity. I.e the UserContext key allows the producer to distinguish
between different consumer users without knowing the particular consumer
user identity. The Producer can use this key to lookup and establish an
application level user identity for a variety of purposes; whether to find
backend resource credentials or merely to augment/adjust how it behaves/what
it displays to this user. The key here is that this identity only has
application level semantics. The underlying system has no knowledge of
a [authenticated] user.
- Producers that use the key to map to an security context level identity.
I.e. the Producer can use this key to lookup in an internal [application]
credential store the user's credentials. It can then use these credentials
to authenticate the user to establish the system level user identity. In
this example, the Producer is [likely] in a different user domain from
the consumer and is choosing to use the key to map between the two domains.
Open Question: How realistic is the authentication scenario? How/Does
a system like J2EE allow the application to authenticate a user when its
the application that provides the credentials vs. the user itself?
- Consumer uses WS-Security to pass the Username to a Producer that runs
in a shared user domain. Note, we are merely passing the username. We are
neither passing the password or the authentication credentials. For this
scenario, though there is no standard indicating what a WebService stack should
do with this information its my understanding that many web stack providers
[BEA, IBM, Oracle] have/are planning implementations that allows a [producer]
service to be configured in a way that indicates its running in a trusted
environment and to accept WSS Username tokens as "user credentials". I.e.
the web stack, in such a configuration, will use the username to establish
the security context for the running environment. Thus both the application
[producer] and the system itself sees this user as the current user with whatever
roles are granted. Open question: what I don't know is how far this reaches.
As the Producer/system doesn't have a copy of the authentication token that
results from the authentication process the producer/system may not be able
to communicate with certain external systems [that require some proof of
authentication]. For example, can I get profile data? Can I even get role
information? Am I able to login/runas this user when access a database?Depending
on these answers, this scenario may add little to the producer's capabilities
over (1).
One difference between (1) and (2) is in the management of trust. This
scenario seemingly must run in a homogeneous environment where all consumers
in that environment are trusted to send correct identities and they all share
the user space with the producer. I.e. its an Admin choice to configure
the producer/service this way. In (1) because its done at the application
level the producer decides if/why it trusts the consumer to assert the user
context key. It can vary its behavior on a per consumer basis.
- Consumer uses WS-Security to pass the Username and password to a Producer
that runs in a shared user domain. In this scenario the web service stack
receives (presumably) enough information to authenticate the user. Like
(1) I assume there is a progammatic mechanism where this can be done. So
in the end the web service stack would (presumably) authenticate the user,
if successful set up the security context, and also attach the authentication
key/token (whatever?) in the response (as what, a cookie?) so on subsequent
requests from the consumer can use this key/token to bypass the authentication
The basic difference between (2) and (3) is that producer environment has
the actual proof of authentication vs merely an identity. That is if/where
ever there were limitations in (2), this scenario presumably doesn't have
them. So the value of (3) depends on the limitations of (2). If there are
little to know limitations in (2) then (3) may not be useful.
Note: I haven't yet determined if web stack providers behave as described
in this scenario. Though I presume this is the standard WSS use case/scenario.
Open Question: How do web stacks/application servers work from the client
side? Do they allow the client application (consumer) to programmtically
set how to pass identity information or is this a per client stub configuration?
I.e. do current implementations limit a consumer to interact with all producers
in the same way because its set up declaratively/though configuration? I
am assuming, of course, that there is no "policy" mechanism that the client
uses to determine the servers security needs but rather this information is
being set up/communicated out of band. [This is my understanding of the curernt
state of the standards/web stack implementations].
- Consumer uses WS-Security to pass the Username and Password to a Producer
that runs in a different user domain. In this scenario, the consumer provides
a credential storing/mapping service to the producer. The consumer (utilizes
a service to) stores producer username/passwords keyed by consumer user identity.
When the consumer calls the producer, the mapped producer username and password
are sent using the same WS-Security tokens as (3). From this point on everything
on the producer side is jsut like (3). The key question here above those
inherited from (3) is whether any application servers/web stacks support
this from the client side? I.e. Though I can imagine a web service stack
supporting a way to propagate the current user identity do any support this
mapping/credential store facility directly or at a minimum expose APIs that
allow the client to set the username/password directly?
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