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Subject: Groups - Interfaces concall added

Interfaces concall has been added by Mr Michael Freedman

Date:  Thursday, 09 June 2005
Time:  08:00am - 10:00am PT

Event Description:
1-888-967-2253 or +44 118 924 9000 (Europe)
meeting ID: 345337
passcode: 060606

Items to discuss:

   1. Add text distinguishing RuntimeContext.namespacePrefix from portletInstanceKey:
      This was discussed last week and it was decided to add some text to clarify, however I just reviewed the text Rich originally proposed in his e-mail dated 5/27 and have issue/question concerning his description of portletInstanceKey.  In this e-mail he says:

          portletInstanceKey: This is a key the Consumer uses for the instance of the portlet. In general this will be unique, with an exception for when two [sic] views onto the same portlet instance (presumably with different navState) are included on a page.

      My understand is that the portletInstanceKeyed is designed to allow you to distinguish between the situation Rich calls out as an exception.  I.e. A way to distinguish to uses/views onto the same portlet.  I would like to discuss/clarify the intent/usage.
   2. Change some name fields from xsd:string to xsd:QName:
      Follow up from the investigation that resulted from the discussion last week.
   3. Circulated User Profile items draft
   4. Cache public parameters in session?
   5. Portlets and forms
   6. redirectURL and handelEvents
   7. Feedback on public parameter usage
   8. Expand public parameter model to allow portlets to request value changes.
   9. Should v2 schema extend v1 schema?
  10. Add a wsrp:config (or other) mode?
  11. Planned MTOM support by major stacks?


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PRODID:-//Kavi Corporation//NONSGML Kavi Groups//EN
X-WR-CALNAME:My Calendar
SUMMARY:Interfaces concall
DESCRIPTION:1-888-967-2253 or +44 118 924 9000 (Europe)\nmeeting ID:
  345337\npasscode: 060606\n\nGroup: WSRP Interfaces SC\nCreator: Mr
  Michael Freedman

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