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Subject: Re: [wsrp-interfaces] Event registration questions

- ServiceDescription Type. eventDescriptions
While the current event model does not preclude Consumers from sending events a Portlet has not declared they can consume, the actual text you refer to is discussing Portlets generating events they do not describe and is merely seeking to highlight that such events will be less useful to some event distribution engines than those described in the metadata.

- EventDescription
EventDescription provides the description for an event and is related to runtime occurrences of the event via its QName. The identification of which direction an event may flow is described using the PortletDescription.publishedEvents[] and handledEvents[] fields. This combination reduces the total amount of metadata that needs to flow between the Consumer and Producer (effectively, portlets share event descriptions) while still having the desired set of information.


Stefan Hepper <sthepper@hursley.ibm.com>

06/09/05 05:38 AM

WSRP Interfaces subgroup <wsrp-interfaces@lists.oasis-open.org>
[wsrp-interfaces] Event registration questions

Hi all,
while reading through the event registration parts of the spec I had the
following questions:

- ServiceDescription Type. eventDescriptions
The current description allows sending events to producers even if they
did not state that they support this event. Why is this useful?
And what is the expected behavoir of the producer? Is it allowed for the
producer to return the events as failed events?

- EventDescription
I think this one is missing a event direction. How does the consumer
know if a given event is an event that the producer expects as input to
handleEvent or one that the producer will return as result of pbia /
Without this information how can the producer create the correct wiring
between the different producers?


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