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wsrp-interfaces message

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Subject: [no subject]

Richard Jacob wrote:

>It seems that we didn't discuss this issue seperatly and that the
>discussion got stuck concerning this.
>I was asking, as a side discussion, to tie forms with method=get more
>explictly to getMarkup().
>The reasoning for this is mainly that it would comply to the W3C
>architecture (http://www.w3.org/TR/webarch/) and would enable use cases
>where portlets use forms and add parameters to forms dynamically for their
>navigation (not for changing state).
>As one example I raised then, was how to solve the "URL manipulation"
>requirement Rich raised by using forms with method=get and dynamically add
>form params.
>This would basically mean that we would need to:
>- add form params to MarkuParams which would be passed with getMarkup.
>- the consumer SHOULD map method=get form submissions to getMarkup()
>requests. Remember method=get simply fetches a resources and should not
>modify the server side state, therefor we can define these form params as
>part of the navState. I.e. currentPortletNavState(encoded in
>URL)+publicNavState(dynamically added)=resultingNavState for which the
>portlet renders its markup.
>One additional advantage here (in contrast to handling it via pbia()) is
>that the Consumer can compute the cache key for that resultingNavState and
>thus be able to cache this markup.
>The advantages I see:
>- natural representation of method=get as resource/markup fetching in
>contrast to state changes in pbia()
>- conformance to W3C arch
>- enables cachability of pages using method=get uncluding their invokations
>results, i.e. if zipcode is a form field, consumers can cache portlet
>markup with zipcode=10000 and zipcode=20000. (yes, invalidation caching
>would help :-) but we don't have it yet)
>- enables searchability and crawlability of portlets using such forms
>Mit freundlichen Gruessen / best regards,
>        Richard Jacob
>IBM Lab Boeblingen, Germany
>Dept.8288, WebSphere Portal Server Development
>WSRP Team Lead & Technical Lead
>WSRP Standardization
>Phone: ++49 7031 16-3469  -  Fax: ++49 7031 16-4888
>Email: mailto:richard.jacob@de.ibm.com

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