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Subject: Re: [wsrp-interfaces] MarkupParams reuse in pbia()

I suspect we need to wordsmith section 6.1.11 (MarkupParams) a bit. It now says:

The MarkupParams structure contains a set of fields needed for the Portlet to generate markup that will enable the End-User to visualize the state of the Portlet. These are also supplied to the interaction processing operations as they may impact that processing (e.g. validNewModes) and those operations are allowed to return markup and thereby avoid an additional invocation.

The intent is to say that MarkupParams collects fields focussed on markup generation, but that these are also needed during action processing. A bit of wordsmithing could help make this clearer. We should also clarify that supplying these to pbia() is required.


Richard Jacob <richard.jacob@de.ibm.com>

08/25/05 10:24 AM

[wsrp-interfaces] MarkupParams reuse in pbia()

Hi all,

I have a received some comments from developers concerning actions and mode
window state passing.
There is a feel that the current definiton of pbia() and the MarkupParams
contained therein are not cleanly described.
- MarkupParams are not optional, but we (a little bit fuzzy) state that in
6.1.11 (spec 1.0) that MarkupParams are for markup generation. In the case
of pbia() this refers to the optimization.
- windowsState and Mode are not optional and needed for pbia(). But we
don't say in the spec that the passed mode and window state is really the
current mode/state in which the action is invoked().
If optimizaton is used for pbia() to retrieve markup, how can mode/state be
"passed" to the follow on render request on the producer side? Do these
have (implicitly) to be the same? Is a switch of these between the phases
not possible?
Without the optimization it is.

So it seems we are quite fuzzy here and the question here is whether we
should be more explicit on the structure usages for the two phases.

Mit freundlichen Gruessen / best regards,

       Richard Jacob
IBM Lab Boeblingen, Germany
Dept.8288, WebSphere Portal Server Development
WSRP Team Lead & Technical Lead
WSRP Standardization
Phone: ++49 7031 16-3469  -  Fax: ++49 7031 16-4888
Email: mailto:richard.jacob@de.ibm.com

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