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Subject: [wsrp-interfaces] Custom user profile items
- From: Rich Thompson <>
- To:
- Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2005 14:32:18 -0400
In reflecting on this mornings call,
I think Mike is right in that we have not well enough defined the problem
we are working on and this is complicating discussing solutions. My summary
of the problem statements I have heard is:
Richard: The v1 metadata for custom
user profiles items is insufficient to locate and understand the items
(i.e. reasonably support mapping).
Subbu: The v1 spec left where
custom user profile items are placed ambiguous.
Andre: The protocol should cleanly
support user profile schemas defined outside the TC.
I think Subbu's problem statement is
a narrowing of Richard's with a strong indication of a preferred solution.
I think Andre's statement is the broadest of the three proposed problem
statements. If we can settle on which one(s) of these, if any, we are willing
to accept as problems, it should help scope the discussion/solution in
a productive manner.
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