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wsrp-interfaces message

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Subject: [no subject]

      3b. Portlets using technologies like JSF
      Here we have the same problem: nested forms.
      But the existing technologies do not namespace their form fields.
      Especially the JSF reference implementation doesn't.
      What does that mean? Do we require Producer containers or portlets to
      rewrite the markup prior to sending it to the Consumer? In that case
      will have rewriting on both sides.

Again, we aren't discussing/trying to solve this use case here -- merely
fixing a problem in 1.0 that we let slide back then because we didn't
expect developers to ever care.

      3d. Summary
      Yes, there is a problem with nested forms. Markup rewriting will be
      required on either side.
      No, the current proposal doesn't solve the problem and/but afair it
      intend to.
      However, it probably could solve a single facette of the overall
      but in essence doesn't save big efforts here or makes life really
      for either side.
      In case of 3a. the consumer will need to rewrite/postprocess the
      And since it will have to postprocess and will need to find inbedded
      it certainly can take appropriate actions to namespace the form
      fields in
      these forms if it requires to do so.

Agreed, this doesn't solve the use case. That is not its intent as the
committee decided we wouldn't/shouldn't address it in 2.0.  This merely
tries to fix the 1.0 problem where though we imply/allow form field
prefxing our semantics are poorly defined to make it obscure if not
impractical to support.  We have decided because an expanded universe has
an interest in doing such prefixing to fix 1.0.  And rather then change
existing semantics with an impact to backwards compatibility we choose to
add additional semantics.

      Mit freundlichen Gruessen / best regards,

              Richard Jacob
      IBM Lab Boeblingen, Germany
      Dept.8288, WebSphere Portal Server Development
      WSRP Team Lead & Technical Lead
      WSRP Standardization
      Phone: ++49 7031 16-3469  -  Fax: ++49 7031 16-4888
      Email: mailto:richard.jacob@de.ibm.com

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