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wsrp-interfaces message

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Subject: Implementation question

Title: Implementation question

If I may somewhat abuse this forum for a quick poll on how navigational state is handled in WSRP consumer implementations, wsrp-interfaces being the most active / vocal one:

Do your Portals facilitate saving a WSRP Portlets navigational state between end user login sessions? I.e. if I navigate to a remote portlets XYZ screen and then log out from the consumer will I actually be able to log in later (go to the page for the WSRP Portlet) and see XYZ if the portlet has saved/encoded show XYZ in its navigational state? I know the spec supports this but is it widely implemented / selectable?

If not, do people think this should be supported by a new boolean flag in a portlets metadata description: requestingNavStatePersists=true/false?

Also, I will not be able to make the SC call next week so, again, my apologies.



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