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Subject: Re: [wsrp-interfaces] Transient properties

Some comments below.


Richard Jacob wrote:
> I have some comments on the scopes:
> - wsrp:consumerRequest
> This seems to be pretty much the same as sharing a property via events.
> Didn't we introduce publicParams (and now transient properties) because we
> argumented that events are considered a "one time thing" and difficult to
> manage the shared consumer managed state use case. If we have events in 2.0
> why should we introduce a similar means by introducing this scope.

How is this the same as sharing a proeprty via events? You could 
probably work-around with events, but it is lot more expensive.

> - wsrp:navState
> This makes sense for me. The use cases we intended to solve with the
> proposal are really transparent/shared navState. The Consumer can choose
> how to handle its navState (perPage, or broader).
> It would offer a consistent end-user experience, i.e. the transient
> properties disappear in the same way navState does.
> - wsrp:consumerSession
> why do we need this? It seems to produce an inconvenient end-user
> experience. If the session times out part of the UI is not displayed,
> because parts of the navState get lost.

The main use case I can think of is to let a group of portlets maintain 
some state about, e.g. the user or something that the user is doing as 
part of a session.

> - wsrp:ConsumerApplication
> what is meant by that? Is it implicating some kind of persistence? how is
> it different to navState?

In the J2EE world, this context is similar to shared servlet context. 
Again, the use cases would be similar to consumerSession. The only 
difference is that this scope is not tied to a given session. This is 
broader than consumerSession.

> I don't think we need all of these scopes and I have the feeling that this
> will definitly confuse developers and that thing really get messed up.
> In my opinion one crisp definition (refering to the props as a "shared
> navState") will be clearer and solve the use cases we initially had in
> mind, i.e.
> resultingNavState = portletOpaqueNavState + transientProperties

I'm afraind that is too simplistic. I got a chance to speak to several 
developers who using WSRP in their apps, and lack of sharing data with 
these scopes was pointed out as one of the key limitations. The pain is 
understandable. In most large enterprises, although portlets are fairly 
decoupled in terms of processing logic and UI, portlets need to somehow 
coordinate with each other to provide for broader use cases and 
experience at the consumer level. Transient properties offer an 
inexpensive way to share transient state not just across requests, but 
across a group of portlets.

> Mit freundlichen Gruessen / best regards,
>         Richard Jacob
> ______________________________________________________
> IBM Lab Boeblingen, Germany
> Dept.8288, WebSphere Portal Server Development
> WSRP Team Lead & Technical Lead
> WSRP Standardization
> Phone: ++49 7031 16-3469  -  Fax: ++49 7031 16-4888
> Email: mailto:richard.jacob@de.ibm.com
>              Michael Freedman                                             
>              <michael.freedman                                            
>              @oracle.com>                                               To
>                                        interfaces                         
>              09/07/2005 01:18          <wsrp-interfaces@lists.oasis-open.o
>              AM                        rg>                                
>                                                                         cc
>                                                                    Subject
>                                        [wsrp-interfaces] Transient        
>                                        properties                         
>    Attached is a proposal for supporting transient properties.  You may
>   recall that in mid-August we decided to make one last push to see if we
>  could define transient properties in 2.0 vs relying on public parameters
>    [and needing to retrofit in 3.0].  Please review and comment asap as
>  there isn't much time to refine this before needing to make the go/no go
>                              decision for 2.0.
>                                     -Mike-
>                            Transient Properties
> Definitions:
> Transient Property:  a piece of shared consumer managed state with a
> defined-persistent lifetime declared by the producer and supplied to that
> producer in all non-initialalization calls in its Markup port (required
> feature in 2.0).
> Summary
> Transient properties:
>       a piece of shared ... state: the property can be set/received by any
>       constituent of the consumer including the declaring portlet.
>       are consumer managed state:  the consumer maintains the property and
>       supplies it to the producer at appropriate times.
>       have a defined non-persistent lifetime:  lifetimes are defined by
>       scope (names).  The following names are reserved/predefined:
>       wsrp:consumerRequest, wsrp:navigationalState, wsrp:consumerSession,
>       and wsrp:consumerApplication. [To fit into our existing declarative
>       model we will also need wsrp:persistent and wsrp:registration, though
>       these don't pertain to transient properties; see below for details]
>       are declared by the producer:  the basic declaration includes a name,
>       type, suggested default, minimum required scope, and preferred scope.
>       supplied to that producer on all non-initalization call in its Markup
>       port: values for each property declared by that portlet and
>       maintained by the consumer are sent on each invocation of
>       PerformBlockingInteraction(), HandleEvents(), GetMarkup(), and
>       GetResource().
>       (required feature in 2.0):  Consumers must support transient
>       properties with at least wsrp:consumerRequest and
>       wsrp:navigationalState.
> Scopes:
>       wsrp:consumerRequest:  in this scope the property is maintained for
>       the lifetime of the consumer request.  I.e. one pass through our
>       3-step protocol.  This enables data management within a single
>       request lifecycle [something not currently doable in WSRP 1.0] .
>       Though this scope can be used for intra-lifecycle coordination its
>       most likely used by the portlet itself to support/manage such a
>       notion of scope in itself.
>       wsrp:navigationalState: in this aintscope the property is maintained
>       for the same duration as the consumer maintains the portlets'
>       navigationalState.  This enables the coordination at the same level
>       as navigational state is being maintained.  Its introduced  not only
>       because its  reasonable to tie this coordination lifetime to the same
>       lifetime as something that already exists [navigationalState], but
>       also because it should be easy for consumers to do so.
>       wsrp:consumerSession: in this scope the property is maintained for
>       the lifetime as the consumers client/end-user session.
>       wsrp:consumerApplication: in this scope the property is maintained
>       for the lifetime that the consumer itself is active.
> How they work:
>       TransientProperties are declared in PortletDescription [though
>       described in ServiceDescription].
>       The requiredScope field must come from the set of scopes consumers
>       are required to support [consumerRequest and navigationalState].  The
>       preferredScope field may name any scope including a custom scope.
>       The requiredScope field must be of equal or lesser scope then the
>       preferredScope.   Note: do we think that WSRP 1.0 adequately
>       defines/requires the ntion of consumerSession scope?  If so we can
>       add this to the list of required scopes.
>       The consumer uses the declaration to create/manage the property.  The
>       property qname identifies the property.  Consumers are strongly
>       encouraged to recognize identical name/type declarations from
>       different portlets as declaring the same property as properties are
>       commonly used for data coordination.  In such a case only one
>       transient property is maintained and its value is shared between all
>       declaring parties. The consumer is free to choose any scope equal to
>       or higher then the scope specified in requiredScope.  The consumer is
>       free to move the property to a different scope at any time as long as
>       it doesn't violate the stated minimums. This later is provided so
>       that when portlets get added to a page at runtime, the consumer can
>       upscope an existing transient property it wants to share.
>       The consumer passes the property name, value, and current scope on
>       each invocation of the PerformBlockingInteraction, HandleEvents,
>       GetMarkup, and GetResource when that property has a non-null value.
>       When a property is out of scope it is has a null value.
>       The producer uses the property values as it sees fit.  The producer
>       recognizes the absence of a passed property as an indication that the
>       properties value is null [or it is out of scope].
>       The producer/portlet can set a property value in the response from a
>       PerformBlockingInteraction and HandleEvents and by encoding the
>       action of setting the property in a renderURL.
> Details:
> PropertyDescription:
>       change to:
>        PropertyDescription
>           [R] QName        name
>           [R] QName        type
>           [O] string       preferredScope
>           [O] string       requiredScope
>           [O] Property     default
>           [O] LocalizedString    label
>           [O] LocalizedString    hint
>           [O] string        capabilities[]
>           [O] Extension        extensions[]
>       from:
>        PropertyDescription
>           [R] QName        name
>           [R] QName        type
>           [O] LocalizedString    label
>           [O] LocalizedString    hint
>           [O] string        capabilities[]
>           [O] Extension        extensions[]
> Discussion:
> I added the preferredScope, requiredScope, default fields into
> PropertyDsecription because a ModelDescription must be used to define the
> set of transient properties.  The way we have defined ModelDescription
> requires everything be in PropertyDescription.  These fields are optional.
> The set of predefined scopes are:
>       wsrp:consumerRequest:  duration of a single client/consumer request
>       wsrp:navigationalState: duration of navigationalState in this
>       consumer
>       wsrp:consumerSession: duration of consumer's user session
>       wsrp:consumerApplication: duration of active consumer.
>       wsrp:persistent: duration is persistent across consumer activations.
>       wsrp:registration: duration of this registration
>       The default preferred/required scope value is based on the context of
>       the description.  For registration properties its wsrp:registration
>       [this is the only valid value].  For a portlet's properties its
>       wsrp:persistent [again this is the only valid value].  In the case of
>       transient properties its wsrp:consumerRequest.
> PortletDescription:
>       change to:
>        PortletDescription
>           [R] Handle            portletHandle
>           [R] MarkupType        markupTypes[]
>           [O] ID                groupID
>           [O] LocalizedString        description
>           [O] LocalizedString        shortTitle
>           [O] LocalizedString        title
>           [O] LocalizedString        displayName
>           [O] LocalizedString        keywords[]
>           [O] ID                portletID
>           [O] QName            publishedEvents[]
>           [O] QName            handledEvents[]
>           [O] ModelDescription     transientPropertyDescriptions
>           [O] string             userCategories[]
>           [O] string             userProfileItems[]
>           [O] boolean            usesMethodGet
>           [O] boolean            defaultMarkupSecure
>           [O] boolean            onlySecure
>           [O] boolean            userContextStoredInSession
>           [O] boolean            templatesStoredInSession
>           [O] boolean            hasUserSpecificState
>           [O] boolean            doesUrlTemplateProcessing
>           [O] Extension            extensions[]
>       from:
>        PortletDescription
>           [R] Handle            portletHandle
>           [R] MarkupType        markupTypes[]
>           [O] ID                groupID
>           [O] LocalizedString        description
>           [O] LocalizedString        shortTitle
>           [O] LocalizedString        title
>           [O] LocalizedString        displayName
>           [O] LocalizedString        keywords[]
>           [O] ID                portletID
>           [O] QName            publishedEvents[]
>           [O] QName            handledEvents[]
>           [O] ModelDescription     publicParameterDescriptions -- removed
>           [O] string             userCategories[]
>           [O] string             userProfileItems[]
>           [O] boolean            usesMethodGet
>           [O] boolean            defaultMarkupSecure
>           [O] boolean            onlySecure
>           [O] boolean            userContextStoredInSession
>           [O] boolean            templatesStoredInSession
>           [O] boolean            hasUserSpecificState
>           [O] boolean            doesUrlTemplateProcessing
>           [O] Extension            extensions[]
> Discussion:
> publicParameters were merely transient properties at
> wsrp:navigationalState.  To add transientProperties we merely replace the
> publicParameterDescriptions field with a transientPropertyDescriptions
> field.
> Property Types:
>       change to:
>        Property
>           [R] QName    name
>           [O] string    xmlLang
>           [O] Object    value[]
>           [O] string    scope
>       from:
>        Property
>           [R] QName    name
>           [O] string    xmlLang
>           [O] Object    value[]
> Discussion:
> With the addition of transient properties there is now a need/interest in
> representing the [current] scope of a given property .  We require this
> field have a value when passing transient properties otherwise its
> optional.
> RuntimeContext:
>       change to:
>       RuntimeContext
>           [R] string        userAuthentication
>           [O] Key        portletInstanceKey
>           [O] string         namespacePrefix
>           [O] string        interactionFieldPrefix
>           [O] Templates        templates
>           [O] ID            sessionID
>           [O] Property         transientProperties[]
>           [O] Extension        extensions[]
>       from:
>        RuntimeContext
>           [R] string        userAuthentication
>           [O] Key        portletInstanceKey
>           [O] string         namespacePrefix
>           [O] string        interactionFieldPrefix
>           [O] Templates        templates
>           [O] ID            sessionID
>           [O] Property         publicParameters[]
>           [O] Extension        extensions[]
> Discussion:
> Again, to pass transientProperties to performBlockingInteraction,
> handleEvents, getMarkup, and getResource, we merely replace the
> publicParameters field with a transientProperties field.

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