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Subject: Re: [wsrp-interfaces] Should portlets/producers indicate that theypush out persistent state?
I see the use cases, but I wonder if a consumer supporting both WSRP 1.0 and 2.0 can count on using such a flag. Secondly, from a specification point of view, such a flag would impose new rules on producers counting on pushing state to consumers as and when required. You mentioned sharing handles below. If a consumer is able to share handles (including cloned portletHandles) across different instances, it can share the state as well. Subbu Richard Jacob wrote: > I have a question regarding persistent state pushing to the Consumer. > This can either be the state in the RegistrationContext or in the > PortletContext. > Currently the Producer can push its state whenever it likes to, and the > Consumer requires to handle it accordingly (return it back, persist it). > > Shouldn't we have metadate that indicates the Producer/Portlets preference > to push out state? > In that case the Consumer can choose to not use such a portlet. > I see two use cases for it: > 1.) the Consumer can't/doesn't want to persist the data be it for > technical/resource reasons or legal/privacy reasons > 2.) the Consumer "shares" the handles with another Consumer/Machine. We > discussed such scenarios when we discussed import/export. > From the Producer's perspective this is still the same Consumer (unless > some security mechanism says otherwise), so protocol-wise this is perfectly > legal. > However if the Producer chooses to push out persistent state, such > scenarios won't work unless the different "Consumers" sync themselves in > some manner. > > So what I'm asking for is basically two things: > 1.) add metadata to the ServiceDesc saying that the registrationContext > might contain state > 2.) add metadata to the PortletDesc saying that the portlet intends to push > out state in the PortletContext > > Mit freundlichen Gruessen / best regards, > > Richard Jacob > ______________________________________________________ > IBM Lab Boeblingen, Germany > Dept.8288, WebSphere Portal Server Development > WSRP Team Lead & Technical Lead > WSRP Standardization > Phone: ++49 7031 16-3469 - Fax: ++49 7031 16-4888 > Email: mailto:richard.jacob@de.ibm.com >
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