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Subject: Fw: [wsrp-interop] WSRP CSS classes

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Mit freundlichen Gruessen / best regards,

        Richard Jacob
IBM Lab Boeblingen, Germany
Dept.8288, WebSphere Portal Server Development
WSRP Team Lead & Technical Lead
WSRP Standardization
Phone: ++49 7031 16-3469  -  Fax: ++49 7031 16-4888
Email: mailto:richard.jacob@de.ibm.com
----- Forwarded by Richard Jacob/Germany/IBM on 01/18/06 04:57 PM -----
             Rich Thompson                                                 
             m>                                                         To 
             01/17/06 07:53 PM                                          cc 
                                       Re: [wsrp-interop] WSRP CSS classes 

My take at answers:

1. Anchors tags have no explicit CSS classes as the relevant ones are
either defined by other standards (.visited, etc) or should inherit from
the relevant container tag. This is particularly important when considering
accessibility requirements.

2. Most, if not all, of the WSRP-defined CSS classes are designed to be
used on containers of some sort. Whether that means body, div, span, td,
etc depends on the markup language and style used. In particular, they are
not specific to HTML.

3. Whether or not a particular container is a section, or a menu-item for
that matter, is a choice when designing the markup layout rather than when
defining the spec.

4. The inheritance of things like relative font sizes is a bit of a pain on
the CSS level, but is best solved on the CSS level as well. In particular,
I would note that a rule specifying that it matches a nesting of a classes
(say a pair of portlet-section-body) will bind more tightly than one only
matching the class on the element. This could be used to override the
normal application of a relative change (e.g. font-size).


 "Klein, Avi"                                                              
 12/21/05 03:33 AM                      <wsrp-interop@lists.oasis-open.org 
                                        "Grigoriadis, Georgios"            
                                        [wsrp-interop] WSRP CSS classes    


I would like to forward some questions presented by our look-and-feel group
regarding the support of the WSRP defined CSS classes, maybe you have
already tackled these questions before…



Basically, I have the following questions for the technical committee:
1)     There are no particular classes for anchor tags. How will they be
- Can they carry any of the classes defined in the spec?
- Do we have to format the anchor directly, by formatting the ‘a’ tag?
- Do they have to be placed in a container that carries any of the classes
defined in the spec?
2)     Is there any possibility to know where WSRP classes are used in the
HTML. For example, a class like portlet-section-body, can it also be used
in the body tag? Or can it only be used in any HTML element that is
regarded as a body object or container in the eyes of the content provider?
Or does it depend on whether the HTML element is a span or a div, as
discribted in the spec?
3)     This question goes together with the previous somehow. The
description of what the classes are to render is vague sometimes. The
styles “portlet-font” and “portlet-section-body” are described as “normal
text”. Sections are defined as mark up sections, like divs and spans. On
the other hand, the example showing how to use the class “portlet-font”
shows a div carrying the class “portlet-font”. Is it possible to give us a
more elaborated specification? And is it possible to explain a section from
a semantic perspective? Is every span a section?
4)     Each section class renders the font of a particular section part.
The parts, on the other hand, can be nested into each other. If doing so,
particular attributes, like relative font sizes, can be inherited. Is there
a way to avoid this?

Avi Klein | Connectivity Team | Portal Runtime | Portal Platform | SAP Labs
Israel | T: +972 9 7779489 | F: +972 9 7779985

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