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Subject: Fw: [wsrp-interop] WSRP menu-oriented CSS classes

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Mit freundlichen Gruessen / best regards,

        Richard Jacob
IBM Lab Boeblingen, Germany
Dept.8288, WebSphere Portal Server Development
WSRP Team Lead & Technical Lead
WSRP Standardization
Phone: ++49 7031 16-3469  -  Fax: ++49 7031 16-4888
Email: mailto:richard.jacob@de.ibm.com
----- Forwarded by Richard Jacob/Germany/IBM on 01/18/06 04:58 PM -----
             Rich Thompson                                                 
             m>                                                         To 
             01/17/06 07:54 PM                                          cc 
                                       [wsrp-interop] WSRP menu-oriented   
                                       CSS classes                         

We have had some questions raised by those seeking to use the CSS classes.
Some of these are editorial, but are included for completeness and

1. The descriptions of various portlet-menu-cascade* items imply that they
apply to the parent while the intent is to have them apply in the sub-menu.
I will fix this as an editorial issue.

2. Cascade items are missing portlet-menu-cascade-item-hover and
portlet-menu-cascade-item-hover-selected ... these would be very useful

3. Web pages often include separators that group a set of menu items (e.g.
a "Downloads" separator followed by menu items for "Drivers", "Extensions",
etc). Adding classes for portlet-menu-separator and
portlet-menu-cascade-separator would be useful.

4. There are no styles for the "arrow" frequently used to indicate the
presence of a submenu. These frequently are done as CSS classes on a
container which then specify a background image. This makes it easy to also
support unique images for the selected and hover cases. How about adding
"portlet-menu-cascade-indicator", "portlet-menu-cascade-indicator-hover"
and "portlet-menu-cascade-indicator-selected".

5. Menu illustration in the spec is hard to build (mostly due to it showing
overlapping borders). It would also help to add examples of hover and
cascade-hover. I can take this as an editorial request to clarify the

6. The example given for portlet-menu-description is very nonstandard. It
violates a number of UI guidelines (particularly related to accessibility)
and would cause screen readers trouble. I see two reasonable answers for
this comment; 1) deprecate the class, noting this as the cause and 2)
suggest that such a description is likely better as a tooltip (i.e. not
handled by CSS), but leave the class definition in place. While for purity
reasons I prefer the first choice, the practicality of removing such a
definition pushes me toward the second. Other options or opinions?

7. Section 508 of America with Disabilities Act (w3c -> wche, EU has a
parallel std, etc) compliance needs use of a pair of tags (container and
anchor) to properly deal with menus. A set of menu-item-box classes which
parallel the menu-item classes would be useful.

Rich ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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