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Subject: Fw: [wsrp-interop] WSRP menu-oriented CSS classes
forward to the correct group Mit freundlichen Gruessen / best regards, Richard Jacob ______________________________________________________ IBM Lab Boeblingen, Germany Dept.8288, WebSphere Portal Server Development WSRP Team Lead & Technical Lead WSRP Standardization Phone: ++49 7031 16-3469 - Fax: ++49 7031 16-4888 Email: mailto:richard.jacob@de.ibm.com ----- Forwarded by Richard Jacob/Germany/IBM on 01/18/06 04:58 PM ----- Rich Thompson <richt2@us.ibm.co m> To wsrp-interop@lists.oasis-open.org 01/17/06 07:54 PM cc Subject [wsrp-interop] WSRP menu-oriented CSS classes We have had some questions raised by those seeking to use the CSS classes. Some of these are editorial, but are included for completeness and transparency: 1. The descriptions of various portlet-menu-cascade* items imply that they apply to the parent while the intent is to have them apply in the sub-menu. I will fix this as an editorial issue. 2. Cascade items are missing portlet-menu-cascade-item-hover and portlet-menu-cascade-item-hover-selected ... these would be very useful additions. 3. Web pages often include separators that group a set of menu items (e.g. a "Downloads" separator followed by menu items for "Drivers", "Extensions", etc). Adding classes for portlet-menu-separator and portlet-menu-cascade-separator would be useful. 4. There are no styles for the "arrow" frequently used to indicate the presence of a submenu. These frequently are done as CSS classes on a container which then specify a background image. This makes it easy to also support unique images for the selected and hover cases. How about adding "portlet-menu-cascade-indicator", "portlet-menu-cascade-indicator-hover" and "portlet-menu-cascade-indicator-selected". 5. Menu illustration in the spec is hard to build (mostly due to it showing overlapping borders). It would also help to add examples of hover and cascade-hover. I can take this as an editorial request to clarify the figure. 6. The example given for portlet-menu-description is very nonstandard. It violates a number of UI guidelines (particularly related to accessibility) and would cause screen readers trouble. I see two reasonable answers for this comment; 1) deprecate the class, noting this as the cause and 2) suggest that such a description is likely better as a tooltip (i.e. not handled by CSS), but leave the class definition in place. While for purity reasons I prefer the first choice, the practicality of removing such a definition pushes me toward the second. Other options or opinions? 7. Section 508 of America with Disabilities Act (w3c -> wche, EU has a parallel std, etc) compliance needs use of a pair of tags (container and anchor) to properly deal with menus. A set of menu-item-box classes which parallel the menu-item classes would be useful. Rich --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe from this mail list, you must leave the OASIS TC that generates this mail. You may a link to this group and all your TCs in OASIS at: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/portal/my_workgroups.php
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