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Subject: Re: [wsrp-interfaces] Re: [wsrp] Proposal - Session Properties

I both captured the discussion from the call yesterday and appended a 4th proposal which develops a set of events and meta fields as the means of defining a coordinated session property model. My impression from the call is that this proposal is the current developing consensus and would therefore encourage people to focus their attention on raising issues relative to it.



Michael Freedman <michael.freedman@oracle.com>

06/14/06 07:10 PM

[wsrp-interfaces] Re: [wsrp] Proposal - Session Properties

On proposal 2: Mapping to events: you state: "The portlet declares support for events matching the QName of each session property they are sharing."   As what is going on here is the portlet has a local concept of session state that it wants to publish/receive changed state events there is no pre-existing QName from which to generate an event name.  Is what you are saying, is that the portlet defines an event QName to represent a state change event to each specific session property it wants to publish/subscribe for?  E.g. a zipcode property might become myco_ns:productname.ZipCodeChangedEvent?

Rich Thompson wrote:

I was requested to extract the session property work into an extension feature/proposal. As part of doing this, I generated the three proposals that have been mentioned to-date, leaving room for issues & resolutions for each. The first draft of this can be found (& updated) at

In doing this work, it became clear that ExtensionPart ought to have a name field. The semantics would be that the name (type==QName) at the ExtensionDescription level defines the semantics of the extension while the name (type==QName) at the ExtensionPart level defines the XML element name for the child of the extensions element (this would also become the deserialized variable name for many common toolings).

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