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Subject: Re: [wsrp-interfaces] Groups - navState-gR.html uploaded

Looks like ResourceTextName in the BNF is missing "wsrp-resourceState".

I think we can improve the wording of:
" As the Consumer is only being used as a proxy for accessing the resource, a number of techniques for storing Portlet navigational state are not available to it. As a result, while the Portlet's navigational state is supplied to this operation, neither the URL nor the response are permitted to change this navigational state. If a logical side effect of the invocation is changing the Portlet's navigational state, either the Portlet or the Producer will need to manage this change until the next opportunity to update the Consumer managed navigational state."

My issues are the use of the term navigational state without tieing it to NavigationalContext (it covers the public values too) and though the reference to URL is technically correct it was a little confusing to me and wonder if "request" is clearer?
"As the Consumer is only being used as a proxy for accessing the resource, a number of techniques for storing Portlet navigational state (NavigationalContext) are not available to it. As a result, while the Portlet's navigational state is supplied to this operation, neither the request nor the response are permitted to change this navigational state. If a logical side effect of the invocation is changing the Portlet's navigational state, either the Portlet or the Producer will need to manage this change until the next opportunity to update the Consumer managed navigational state."

richt2@us.ibm.com wrote:
The document named navState-gR.html has been submitted by Rich Thompson to
the WSRP Interfaces SC document repository.

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