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Subject: Groups - WSRP Interfaces SC modified

WSRP Interfaces SC has been modified by Rich Thompson

Date:  Thursday, 21 September 2006
Time:  11:00am - 12:00pm ET

Event Description:
Toll Numbers: 1-203-566-0687
TollFree Numbers: 866-769-7222
Passcode: 849091

1. v2 extension work people wish to bring to the F2F

1. How to develop/document extensions which are in the wsrp-extra namespace?
 - Each extension needs an owner/editor
 - A high level document which assigns a QName and provides an executive level summary/link to full extension description
   > Each section should include a status of that extension (wd/cd/cs)
   > Use the OASIS registry rather than maintaining this as a document? Does it provide the TC appropriate control? What meta-info does it provide people browsing the registry? What would the TC need to do relative to templating a registry entry
 - Should develop a template for extensions
 - Note: The high level document could also reference extensions in other namespaces.
 - How frequently would we be publishing a new version of the wsrp-extra schema?
 - If we use kavi for wd and docs for cd+, we will want to move most proposals to cd relatively quickly.

2. AJAX proposal  Subbu posted what he had sent to the JSR286 EG
 - There was quite a bit of discussion around the ID concept discussed in 2.2 (In the end this is a Java specific need which should be able to be mapped to the wsrp-extensions url parameter)
 - Rich also raised a concern that we take a broader look at Consumer and portlet components cooperating within the browser as the AJAX approach should fit cleanly into whatever approach we take (the comment is without prejudice regarding whether the proposal would be the right approach in such a broader framework). Some relevant examples to look at in this area include:
   > Google gadgets
   > Yahoo widgets
   > Microsoft live
 - Rich to include 1-3 hrs per day in the F2F agenda to work on this area.

3. CSS proposal (see wiki)
 - Has been recast as an extension, but will need an update to follow whatever template we choose to use and a final review before moving to the cd level.

4. Session property proposal  Rich to recast as an extension

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PRODID:-//Kavi Corporation//NONSGML Kavi Groups//EN
X-WR-CALNAME:My Calendar
DESCRIPTION:Toll Numbers: 1-203-566-0687\nTollFree Numbers:
  866-769-7222\nPasscode: 849091\n\nGroup: WSRP Interfaces SC\nCreator:
  Rich Thompson

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