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Subject: RE: [wsrp-interfaces] Groups - Interfaces concall added

I see some pros and cons in this proposal:

 - Metadata is extensible as additional sections get defined
 - Consumer has flexibility of doing one invocation for all sections or multiple invocations for one section at a time

 - What is where depends on how the Consumer decides to call the Portlet and How the Portlet wants to package the response. I would suggest defining an extended type for carrying any additional section. Whenever an additional section is returned (i.e. not body & even if the body is not returned on this response), it is always carried in an extension field of this defined type with an element name which matches the section name.
 - There seems to be minimal guidance on when a new version of any additional section will be required while the driving use case has the <head> section being invariant for most types of state that are currently in the cache key for the main portlet markup. If we really want to leverage separate caching, some means of reducing the cache key needs to be communicated to the Consumer.


"Nathan Lipke" <nlipke@bea.com>

10/10/2007 05:18 PM

"Michael Freedman" <michael.freedman@oracle.com>, <wsrp-interfaces@lists.oasis-open.org>
RE: [wsrp-interfaces] Groups - Interfaces concall added

Thanks for the feedback,
Attached is a second draft which allows for multiple sections to be sent and received in a single request. It still allows for individual sections to be cached with their own unique validate tag.

From: Michael Freedman [mailto:michael.freedman@oracle.com]
Tuesday, October 09, 2007 4:39 PM
Re: [wsrp-interfaces] Groups - Interfaces concall added


Again inline:

Nathan E Lipke wrote:

I'll work on rewriting this tomorrow. See comments inline.

Michael Freedman wrote:

See inline:

Nathan E Lipke wrote:

If you think a more generic solution is needed with regards to sections, how does the following sound?


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