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Subject: Re: [wsrp-interfaces] Groups - Interfaces SC modified

Thanks, I have scheduled the parallel TC call.


From: nathan.lipke@oracle.com
To: wsrp-interfaces@lists.oasis-open.org
Date: 10/01/2008 03:46 PM
Subject: [wsrp-interfaces] Groups - Interfaces SC modified

I moved it back a week:

Mike, has asked me to look into adding getResource style URLs as well.

I will make some minor changes to the existing proposal for clarity and
freeze it. Then, I will copy it and modify the copy to support both
resource types. Then, we can discuss the merits of both proposal on the
call next week.

-- Nathan Lipke

Interfaces SC has been modified by Nathan Lipke

Date:  Thursday, 09 October 2008
Time:  08:00am - 09:00am PT

Event Description:
Interfaces SC Call
ID/password: 332394/332394

From the AMER region dial:
. 1-888-967-2253
. +1-650-607-2253
From the APAC region dial:
. +800 9491 2777
. +61 2 8817 6100
From the EMEA region dial:
. +44 118 924 9000

1. Interfaces SC -- Nate
* Vote on Rewritable Proxied Resource URLs:
* Discuss Multi-Section markup
2. Interop SC -- Richard
3. TC - Rich


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[attachment "ical_19541.ics" deleted by Rich Thompson/Watson/IBM] ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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