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wsrp-interfaces message

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Subject: Please Review: Rewritable Resource URLs and Supported ExtensionsProposals

I would like to get these reviewed and voted on shortly. Your time and attention is greatly appreciated.

I have updated the Rewritable Resource URLs extension here:
Updates include:
  • Clarification of client/consumer vs. consumer/producer requirements
  • Addition of language on how to treat GET parameters
  • Use of the supportedExtensions proposal (see below)
Additionally, I added a proposal to allow the producer and/or consumer to declare support of an extension on a per-portlet basis.
This proposal adds a simple extension to the portletDescription and portletContext.
Note: I changed it to the portletContext (from runtimeContext, as discussed) as the portletContext is used in more operations.

Please send me you comments to this list,


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