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Subject: Extension Process Ballot reopened


In order to give those who were out a chance to vote I have reopened the ballot. PLEASE VOTE by Wednesday January 7th.

Also, I have updated the voting processes, as follows:
  1. Consensus SHOULD be reached whenever possible on all votes.
  2. The Initial Interest and Basic Requirements votes require a simple majority
    1. However, the extension leader is strongly encouraged not to continue in the face of serious opposition
  3. The final spec vote is based on modified (to allow for abstentions) OASIS rules:
    1. More "Yes" than "No"
    2. 2/3 must vote "Yes" or actively abstain
    3. No more than 1/4 vote "No"
See:  http://wiki.oasis-open.org/wsrp/Extension_Process

Happy New Year,


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