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Subject: RE: [wsrp-markup] [wsrp][markup] Conf Call Agenda

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Braun [mailto:cbraun@silverstream.com]
Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2002 3:17 PM
To: WSRP-Markup
Subject: [wsrp-markup] [wsrp][markup] Conf Call Agenda

Here are the minutes from yesterdays call.
1. URL Rewriting
    a.  Consumer Rewriting
Portlet window states (minimized, maximized, and normal) are supported by most portal vendors.  It may make sense to add this notion to he WSRP interface.  The consumer needs to know how to display the portlet.  This is differnt from modes, where the entity itself controls the markup to be displayed. 
Action Item: Bring this up at the next WSRP interfaces meeting.
Is the Producer driving the window states ?
I was thinking that a Consumer(Portal) wraps Entity Markup with a html table with some kind of title bar with the window state icons (min,max,normal,...)
(or is a Producer expected to generate this ?)
Taking minimized to mean only a title bar is present. The consumer has effectively shutoff access by the client to invoke actions on the portlet(entity stub) and hidden the markup.
In the case of normal and maximized the Consumer is giving effectively desired screen dimensions to the Producer so that the Producer (? MAY) resize or alter markup in the getMarkup() call.
So in the maximum size case - the Consumer has hidden the other portlet(entity stubs) from the page view and given all the real estate to the one portlet(entity stub)
which may or may not take advantage of it.
Note: If a mechanism is done to properly convey this window size then alternate devices (cell phones, PDA, ...) can be supported more easily by one Producer.
So you could either have the case where the Entity says I support X window sizes (small,medium,large) and the Consumer can decide to map (Min,Normal,Max) to some or all of these sizes.
Another way is the Consumer sends in the prefered dimensions, and the entity either resizes as close as possible to those dimensions or maps to the closet (window size) it is capable of. Some ways the Producer could change markup is to abbreviate content labels or remove extra info when real estate isn't possible and add links to access it in a separate markup calls .... (I can try and come up with a good use case if this isn't that clear)
So my view is consumer is the one with the real estate and therefore driving it, the Producer is the one adjusting to it if it can.

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