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Subject: Re: [wsrp-webservice] names array in getPortletProperties

This is due to names being a top level item (parameter if this was an operation call). The tested web stacks did not interoperate well if such a parameter was completely missing from the message. As a result you will find all such occurrences (e.g. userContext) require at least one occurrence, though it is nillable.


Subbu Allamaraju <subbu@bea.com>

11/12/2003 03:17 PM

[wsrp-webservice] names array in getPortletProperties

Is there a reason why the schema requires at least one name (which can
be nil) in getPortletProperties?

The xsd declares

<element name="names" type="xsd:string" nillable="true"

When the consumer wants to get values for all properties, it could
simply not add any names, but the schema forces at least one names, so,
a typical request would look like

<urn:getPortletProperties xmlns:urn="urn:oasis:names:tc:wsrp:v1:types">
  <urn:names xsi:nil="true" xmlns:xsi="..."/>

This seems strange. Did we miss minOccurs="0" from the xsd, or is there
a valid reason?



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