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Subject: [wsrp-wsia] [change request #181] Reword "block all"

Document: Spec
Section: 3.10
Page/Line: 13/33
Requested by: Rich Thompson

Old text: In the case of performBlockingInteraction(), the Consumer MUST 
block all other invocations within the context of the initiating request 
from the client of the Consumer until either the receipt of a response or 
the invocation fails (e.g. times out).

Proposed text: In the case of performBlockingInteraction(), the Consumer 
MUST NOT invoke operations on any Portlets in the context of the 
initiating request from the client of the Consumer until either the 
receipt of a response or the invocation fails (e.g. times out).

Reasoning: A developer suggested this language would be much clearer than 
"block all"

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