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wss-chair message

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Subject: Re: [wss-chair] FW: OASIS

AFAIK just have him sign up for the TC on the web page. I will point out that WSS has been very low activity of late and that the last few meetings have been cancelled due to lack of agenda items. A lot of the related action as far as Web Services and security is concerned is now taking place over in the WSSX TC. You might consider also joinging that TC.


Kelvin R. Lawrence
Distinguished Engineer & CTO, Emerging Internet Software Standards
Member of the IBM Academy of Technology
IBM Software Group. 11400 Burnet Road, Austin, TX 78758.
Office +1 (512) 838-0924   Mobile +1 (512) 699 1184   Fax: +1 (512) 838-0169  e-mail: klawrenc@us.ibm.com
SMS: http://www.cingular.com/sendamessage
BLOG: http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/blogs/dw_blog.jspa?blog=730

"Dournaee, Blake" <blake.dournaee@intel.com>

05/11/2006 01:43 PM

"Orrin, Steve" <steve.orrin@intel.com>, <scott.mcgrath@oasis-open.org>
[wss-chair] FW: OASIS

Hello -
I am the OASIS Primary Contact for Intel.
Steve Orrin has asked to join OASIS WSS as a voting member.
We have done a review and I can approve Steve as a member.
Please let me know what else I may need to do,
Blake Dournaee
Senior Security Manager
Middleware Products Division
Intel Corporation
Mobile: +1-(650)-291-2773


From: Orrin, Steve
Tuesday, March 28, 2006 4:19 AM
Juneja, Girish

I received the attached emails from OASIS basically asking that for my participation in the DSS & WSS Technical Committees:
If you still wish to be a member of this TC, and your OASIS membership
is through an organization, please advise your organizational Primary
Contact, who must consent by sending an e-mail message to
I understand you have the contact / relationship with Intel's Primary Contact. could you forward these to them or put me in contact with our Primary for OASIS.

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