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Subject: Issues Tracking System now Live

The WSSM Issue Tracking Project has been created and can be accessed at:

Each Member of the TC, if you didn't already have a JIRA account, should have received an email with their login information. I have created accounts corresponding to your OASIS login name. Once you log in, please change your password to correspond to your OASIS password.

Below is an overview from the TC Handbook. For more information, the JIRA User’s Guide is online here:http://www.atlassian.com/software/jira/docs/v3.13.1/introduction.html

Please let Robin know if you encounter any problems or if something isn’t clear. Today is my last day at OASIS and Robin has been appointed as interim TC Administrator.

All the best,



OASIS-hosted Issues Tracking System
OASIS has now installed a JIRA issues tracking system that will be made available to Technical Committees upon request. While any of the existing methods are still viable, Technical Committees may want to consider migrating their existing method to a new JIRA Project.

In accordance with the OASIS Technical Committee Process Policy, Technical Committee Members have read/write access.  Access control is at the Project level. All Projects are publicly-viewable.

Each Technical Committee will be a unique Project and identified by Technical Committee name.

Components are used to group a set of related issues. Components may identify Subcommittees or unique work products (that is, specifications or other document types) within a Technical Committee.

There are four (4) roles defined:
TC Chair
TC Editor
TC Member

There is currently only one workflow available: Technical Committee Issues. Additional workflows can be created based on Technical Committee requirements.
New - When an issue is created it is automatically assigned a status of New. A New issue has not yet been accepted by the Technical Committee. A new issue may either be accepted (Open Issue) or rejected (Close Issue) by the TC. Once an issue has been entered, the system will automatically send an e-mail to the TC list with the URI.
Open - An issue accepted by the Technical Committee. Actual discussion of the issue takes place on the TC e-mail list and should include the URI to the actual issue.
Deferred - An issue accepted by the Technical Committee, but agreed  that its resolution will be not be included in the current version.
Resolved - An issue with an agreed-upon resolution that requires a change to the work product.
Applied - An issue to which the agreed-upon resolution has been incorporated into a draft work product.
Closed - An issue that has either been rejected or resolved and incorporated into a Committee-approved work product.

All discussion on issues should happen on the Technical Committee's e-mail list and in TC meetings. As much detail as possible should be included when a new issue is opened. Additionally, the issue should note:
-          resolution, if accepted
-          reason for closing (completed, duplicate, rejected, etc.)

NOTE: The issues tracking system is not tied into the OASIS groupware (KAVI) authentication. Permissions must be managed manually.

Mary P McRae
Director, Standards Development
Technical Committee Administrator
OASIS: Advancing open standards for the information society
email: mary.mcrae@oasis-open.org
web: www.oasis-open.org
twitter: @fiberartisan  #oasisopen
phone: 1.603.232.9090

Standards are like parachutes: they work best when they're open.

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