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Subject: RE: A few more editing changes required

Re: version names and paths

The TC Admin takes the wdxx docs we submit and creates the appropriate csdxx for each. We don’t need to make a final decision on the use of wss-m in the path before having the vote. According to item (6)(e) in section “2.18 Work Product Quality” [1] of the TC Process, “updates to the file names of all Work Product files and any references between them” are allowed without requiring new versions of the docs.




[1] http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/process.php#specQuality



From: Carlo Milono [mailto:cmilono@tibco.com]
Sent: Wednesday, February 02, 2011 3:10 PM
To: David Turner
Cc: wss-m@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: RE: A few more editing changes required


I’ll try to get done by EOW.  Comments below…


From: David Turner [mailto:David.Turner@microsoft.com]
Sent: Wednesday, February 02, 2011 3:02 PM
To: Carlo Milono
Cc: wss-m@lists. oasis-open. org (wss-m@lists.oasis-open.org)
Subject: A few more editing changes required




While preparing for the ballot, I found a few more things we need to do:

·         It seems like the "Relates to" section is missing from SwA & RELToken[<cm>]  I didn’t add them as they weren’t there previously and it wasn’t considered an issue, so I didn’t add them…I’ll investigate what should go there.

·         Under “Related work” change:

o   Web Services Security: SOAP Message Security 1.1 (WS-Security 2004) OASIS Standard incorporating Approved Errata, 01 November 2006


o   Web Services Security: SOAP Message Security Version 1.1.1[<cm>]  saw this in your exchange with Robin. Will “csd01” have to morph as this progresses?  Are we sticking to “<path>/wss-m/wss/<version>” (does make it sound like a new TC and spec).

·         In the References section of the docs please change the SOAP Message Security reference to the v1.1.1 CSD:

o   A. Nadalin et al.,  Web Services Security: SOAP Message Security Version 1.1.1 http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss-m/wss/v1.1.1/csd01/wss-SOAPMessageSecurity-v1.1.1-csd01.pdf

·         In the Acknowledgment section, participants listed as “Current” should be moved to “Previous” and the current TC “Members” (Voting & non-voting) should be added to “Current”. I’ve provided the list below.

  • Change the WD # and add dates to the WD intro, and update the Revision History at the bottom of the docs.

·         Save the new files as “wd02”


Let me know if you have any questions.





Adams, Mr. Don               TIBCO Software Inc.

Davis, Mr. Peter               Neustar, Inc.

Durand, Mr Jacques        Fujitsu Limited

Goodner, Mr. Marc         Microsoft Corporation

Hardjono, Mr. Thomas M.I.T.

Lawrence, Kelvin              IBM

Levinson, Rich   Oracle Corporation

Lockhart, Hal      Oracle Corporation

Martin, Ms. Monica        Microsoft Corporation

McIntosh, Michael          Individual

Milono, Mr. Carlo             TIBCO Software Inc.

Nadalin, Anthony             Microsoft Corporation

Powers, Mr. Calvin          IBM

Raepple, Mr Martin        SAP AG

Rossini, Dr. Federico       Telecom Italia S.p.a.

Rutt, Mr. Tom    Fujitsu Limited*

Saldhana, Mr. Anil           Red Hat

Smith, Jerry        US Department of Defense (DoD)

Turner, Mr. David            Microsoft Corporation



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