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Subject: [wss] Agenda for Sept 4th/5th meeting
Dear WSS TC members, here is the agenda for our initial face to face meeting next week. On Wednesday 4th, the meeting will start at 10:am and close at 5pm On Thursday 5th, the meeting will start at 9am and close at 4pm Welcome and Introductions/roll call Assign minute taker(s) Review of OASIS TC process Review of TC charter Establish standing rules for this TC Assign roles (webmaster, editor etc.) Discussion of how this TC relates to other committees in the security area Discuss assigning a liaison to other security related standards committees Update for this team on the OASIS/W3C joint meeting in Boston . Submission of input documents Discuss phone call sponsor for next call and agree schedule for phone calls. Discuss location of next F2F meeting and sponsor Main part of meeting - group discussion Any other business Close Chris Kaler Kelvin Lawrence (co-chairs WSS TC)
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