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Subject: [wss] F2F attendance intentions tally

I had an action item to post the tally of responses I've received concerning intentions to attend the F2F in Baltimore.  According to my tracking, they are as follows (corrections are always welcome):
Voting Members Planning to Attend
  Don Adams TIBCO
  Steve Anderson OpenNetwork
  Paul Cotton Microsoft
  William Cox BEA
  Martijn de Boer SAP
  Yassir Elley Sun Microsystems
  Don Flinn Quadrasis
  Peter Furniss Choreology
  Eric Gravengaard Reactivity
  Phil Griffin Griffin Consulting
  Frederick Hirsch Nokia
  Maryann Hondo IBM
  Chris Kaler Microsoft
  Yutaka Kudo Hitachi
  Guillermo Lao ContentGuard
  Kelvin Lawrence IBM
  Hal Lockhart Entegrity Solutions
  Monica Martin Drake Certivo, Inc.
  Prateek Mishra Netegrity
  Ronald Monzillo Sun Microsystems
  Tim Moses Entrust
  Anthony Nadalin IBM
  Andrew Nash RSA Security
  Toshihiro Nishimura Fujitsu
  Rob Philpott RSA Security
  Hemma Prafullchandra Verisign
  Rajesh Raman BEA Systems
  Jerry Schwarz Oracle
  Shawn Sharp Cyclone Commerce
  John Shewchuk Microsoft
  Frank Siebenlist Argonne National Lab
  Gene Thurston AmberPoint
  John Weiland Navy
Total: 33

Voting Members Planning Not to Attend
  Zahid Ahmed Commerce One
  Jan Alexander Systinet
  Conor Cahill AOL
  Venkat Danda IONA Technology
  Thomas DeMartini ContentGuard
  Jeremy Epstein webMethods
  Simon Godik Overxeer
  Phillip Hallam-Baker Verisign
  Jeff Hodges Sun Microsystems
  Merlin Hughes Baltimore Technologies
  Bob Morgan (individual)
  Ron Moritz Computer Associates
  Joel Munter Intel
  Nataraj Nagaratnam IBM
  William Pope Choreology
  Ed Reed Novell
  Irving Reid Baltimore Technologies
  Peter Rostin RSA Security
  Vipin Samar Oracle
  Senthil Sengodan Nokia
  Hank Simon Lockheed Martin
  Andre Srinivasan E2open
  Steve Trythall Sonic Software
  Ganesh Vaideeswaran Documentum
  Sirish Vepa Sybase
  Sam Wei Documentum
  Rob Weltman Netscape/AOL
  Pete Wenzel SeeBeyond
Total: 28

Voting Members That Have Not Responded:
  Toufic Boubez Layer 7
  Greg Carpenter Nokia
  Sam Greenblatt Computer Associates
  Erick Herring Digital Evolution
  Charles Knouse Oblix
  Takashi Kojo NEC
  Mark Nobles LMI
  Jason Rouault HP
  Andrew Sweet Perficient
Total: 9

Other Responses
  Lloyd Burch Novell (prospective member) - will attend
  Tim Bond webMethods (observer) - will attend
  Rich Salz Data Power (prospective member) - will not attend

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