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Subject: Issue 127 - C14N Text
Back in August, I proposed that we add the following near the end of section 8.1 in place of lines 829-830 ---- The XML Digital Signature WG has defined two canonicalization algorithms: XML Canonicalization and Exclusive XML Canonicalization. To prevent confusion, the first is also called Inclusive Canonicalization. Neither one solves all possible problems that can arise. The following informal discussion is intended to provide guidance on the choice of which one to use in particular circumstances. For a more detailed and technically precise discusion of these issues see: [XML-C14N] and [EXC-C14N]. There are two problems to be avoided. In the one hand, XML allows documents to be changed in various ways and still be considered equivalent. For example, duplicate namespace declarations can be removed or created. As a result, XML tools make these kinds of changes freely when processing XML. Therefore, it is vital that these equivalent forms match the same signature. On the other hand, if the signature simply covers something like xx:foo, its meaning may change if xx is redefined. In this case the signature does not prevent tampering. It might be thought that the problem could be solved by expanding all the values in line. Unfortunately, there are mechanisms like XPATH which consider xx="http://example.com/" to be different from yy="http://example.com/" even though both are xx and yy are bound to the same namespace. The fundamental difference between the Inclusive and Exclusive Canonicalization is which namespace declarations which are placed in the output. Inclusive Canonicalization copies all the declarations that are currently in force, even if they are defined outside of the scope of the signature. It also copies any xml: attributes that are in force, such as xml:lang or xml:base. This guarantees that all the declarations you might make use of will be unambigiously specified. The problem with this is that if the signed XML is moved into another XML document which has other declarations, the Inclusive Canonicalization will copy then and the signature will be invalid. This can even happen if you simply add an attribute in a different namespace to the surrounding context. Exclusive Canonicalization tries to figure out what namespaces you are actually using and just copies those. Specifically, it copies the ones that are "visibly used", which means the ones that are a part of the XML syntax. However, it does not look into attribute values or element content, so the namespace declarations required to process these are not copied. For example if you had an attribute like xx:foo="yy:bar" it would copy the declaration for xx, but not yy. (This can even happen without your knowledge because XML processing tools will add xsi:type if you use a schema subtype.) It also does not copy the xml: attributes that are declared outside the scope of the signature. Exclusive Canonicalization allows you to create a list of the namespaces that must be declared, so that it will pick up the declarations for the ones that are not visibly used. The only problem is that the software doing the signing must know what they are. In a typical SOAP software environment, the security code will typically be unaware of all the namespaces being used by the application in the message body that it is signing. Exclusive Canonicalization is useful when you have a signed XML document that you wish to insert into other XML documents. A good example is a signed SAML assertion which might be inserted as a XML Token in the security header of various SOAP messages. The Issuer who signs the assertion will be aware of the namespaces being used and able to construct the list. The use of Exclusive Canonicalization will insure the signature verifies correctly every time. Inclusive Canonicalization is useful in the typical case of signing part or all of the SOAP body in accordance with this specification. This will insure all the declarations fall under the signature, even though the code is unaware of what namespaces are being used. At the same time, it is less likely that the signed data (and signature element) will be inserted in some other XML document. Even if this is desired, it still may not be feasible for other reasons, for example there may be Id's with the same value defined in both XML documents. In other situations it will be necessary to study the requirements of the application and the detailed operation of the canonicalization methods to determine which is appropriate. ------------ Merlin Hughes added the folowing which might be edited in: ------------ Inclusive c14n includes in the canonical form all inherited and local namespace declarations and xml: attributes, whether or not they are visibly utilized. As a result, if the signed data or signature are moved into a new context, or if new ancestor namespaces or xml: attributes are introduced into the document (e.g., by intermediary processing) then the signature will be rendered invalid. Exclusive c14n includes in the canonical form only those namespace declarations that are visibly utilized or explicitly parameterized, and only local xml: attributes. As a result, the signed data and signature are immune to irrelevant contextual changes. However, explicit application and/or schema support is required to accurately parameterize the algorithm with non-visibly utilized namespace prefixes of the signed data (e.g., QName prefixes). Otherwise, the signed data may be vulnerable to semantic changes that will not be detected by the signature. Consequently, inclusive c14n is the safer canonicalization algorithm from a security perspective: It requires no knowledge of the data that are to be secured in order to safely sign them. On the other hand, exclusive c14n is required in order to generate self-signed structures that support placement within different XML contexts. Inclusive c14n meets the needs of the common usage scenarios of WS-Security: SOAP messages are not typically moved from one XML context to another, and the semantics of the SOAP body are typically not known to the security module. Exclusive c14n meets the needs of, for example, SAML tokens: These are expressly designed to be self-signed structures that will be placed into different XML contexts. Further, the semantics of the SAML token will be explicitly known to the signer, so it can accurately parameterize the algorithm. Exclusive c14n does not solve the problems of encapsulating a signed SOAP message within another document: It cannot address ID attribute clashes between the encapsulated SOAP message and the encapsulating document, etc. For this reason, SOAP attachments or equivalent must be used in order to effect message encapsulation, allowing each encapsulated message to remain in a distinct document context. ---- Merlin also made the following observation which should also be added: ------ Finally, exc-c14n is not immune to the namespace inheritance problem. Consider signing this with exc-c14n, including the foo prefix in the unsuppressed namespace prefix list. <Body> <ToBeSigned wsu:Id="tbs"> <Data xmlns:foo="urn:foo" Something="foo:Bar"/> </ToBeSigned> </Body> If an intermediary introduces the use of this namespace prefix in an ancestor, then the signature will break because xmlns:foo will be canonicalized with the ToBeSigned element instead of the Data element. In both cases, foo will be assigned the same value and will be included under the signature, but since it will appear within a different element, the signature value computed will be different. --------- Hal
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