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Subject: File and namespace naming proposal

There are two open issues for which I had the action to submit a proposed write-up. Those issues are numbers 31 (change to OASIS namespace) and 135 (rename document files). Below is my proposal for each of these issues. It would be great if people could review this prior to the call tomorrow. Sorry it has taken me so long to post this.

OASIS WSS TC – Namespace and Filename proposal


We have a requirement for a permanent namespace, within the OASIS domain that also has some persistent storage associated with it. After discussion with the OASIS staff (summarized at [1])  and given an understanding of current industry trends, I believe that our final namespaces that OASIS can support should be of the form:


To better support versioning and plugging in our TC this would be a URL of the form:


Where <docname> will be a document file name (typically pointing to a schema document) as discussed in the next section below.

The schemas would also follow this pattern for the namespace URI which would also be a valid URL for accessing the schema.  

For each namespace URL we establish, the OASIS staff will establish a redirect from the namespace to permanent storage that can contain our schema docs and other useful material (effectively this will be a redirect to an HTML page in the doc repository I believe, that will contain additional links to related resources such as the schema docs). It should be noted, that at least for now, this will require manual intervention by the webmaster team at OASIS to establish the redirection links.

File naming for our spec documents

OASIS sponsored a document naming effort, to establish common rules to be used by OASIS Technical Committees when naming their specification documents. That guidelines document is available at [2]

By way of an example, based upon the guidelines, I think the full name for the core schema (secext.xsd) would now become


Note “####” is a unique ID that each document will be assigned by the OASIS staff when any of our documents become an OASIS standard.

Based on this template, I think the file names for our current committee draft specifications would become


When combined with the address in the previous section, the result is a set of URIs that are accessible as URLs.  For the schema files, the link references the schema itself.  For the documents, the link references an HTML page which has pointers to the PDF versions as well as the related schema.  As well, these pages are marked using RDDL tags to provide programmatic discovery.


[1] http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/wss/200309/msg00064.htm
[2] http://www.oasis-open.org/spectools/docs/chairs-filenaming-02.html

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