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Subject: Re: [wss] Groups - oasis-200401-wss-username-token-profile-1.0.pdf uploaded

Here are editorial comments on UsernameToken Profile.

Lines 89, 91, 97, 100, 130
  "wsse:PasswordText", "wsse:PasswordDigest"

  The Type attriubute has been changed from QName to URI. So, QName
  should not be used.
  I think just saying "type PasswordText" or "type PasswordDigest"
  is sufficient.

Line 221
  "wsse:PasswordDigest" -> "...#PasswordDigest"

Line 213
  "xml:= "  -> "xmlns:wsu="

Lines 218,219
  These lines can be deleted except the last ">".

Line 235
  This is a ValueType attribute and must be a URI.

Lines 237-241
  It seemes to me that these sentences come from the description of
  BinarySecurityToken/@ValueType and @EncodingType.
  I think we don't have to put the description of ValueType here (it
  is described in Core spec).

  How about the following chage:

Current lines 234-241:
 When a UsernameToken is referenced using <wsse:SecurityTokenReference> the
 ValueType attribute is not required. If specified, the value of <wsse:UsernameToken> MUST
 be specified.
 The ValueType attribute is used to indicate the "value space" of the encoded data). The
 ValueType attribute allows a URI that defines the value type and space of the encoded binary
 data. The ValueType attribute is interpreted to indicate the encoding format of the element. The
 following encoding formats are pre-defined (note that the URI fragments are relative to the URI
 for this specification):

Change to:
 When a UsernameToken is referenced using <wsse:SecurityTokenReference>
 the ValueType attribute is not required. If specified, the following
 pre-defined type MUST be specified (note that the URI fragments are
 relative to the URI for this specification):

NISHIMURA Toshihiro (FAMILY Given)
XML/Web Services Technology Dept.,

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